Everyday is a great struggle


Well-known member
Hello everyone, I'm new here and have been suffering with this killer condition (SA) since the age of 14. I only recently found out about this condition whilst browsing the internet and looking up an A-Z list of phobias, it was a pray that had been answered when I discovered that I wasn't the only person in the world that had SA. I remember when I started locking my room door when ever visitors came to my house (I still do), I have always felt this way and thought and hoped that it would go away, sadly I'm 22yrs old now and it seems to have much more of an affect on me now that I've gotten older. Everyday is a great struggle because I feel like I'm being scrutinized by everyone. :cry:

Like alot of you other sufferers I find it very difficult to socialise with other people, coming out of my house is a nightmare because I have to always check through the windows first before going out to make sure that there are'nt any neighbours about, because I'm afraid to say hello to them, I even pray that I dont meet any familiar faces whilst I'm out and about. :oops:

I find it very hard to express myself to my family, although my mum kind of knows now, she persuaded me to go and speak to my doctor about the problem, which I did and he prescribed me with medication (Escitalopram) but since taking it I dont feel any progress. I dread the future and what it may hold, just thinking about up coming events makes my stomach turn. :oops:

But even though I feel lonely and depressed most of the time I truelly believe that there is a big bright light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm going to pursue it with the help of god. :D BLESS ALL OF YOU.


i know exactly what you mean and wuld love to talk to you, it is horrible i know, im 23.


Hi Jermaine !
Your description of checking for neighbours before venturing out,was a description of me !
I also hope to avoid people that I know, when I am out.
Today, a knock at the door,sent me into a panic . . . . . I didn't answer !
I'm past my half century, and have had this problem for a long time, and it's very much connected to low self-esteem, with me, but I'm not like it all the time, and I do believe that some people really can overcome it.
It's NOT just a fear of strangers in a social setting, but people that we know, as well !!
Thank you for pointing this out !
Take care, MOWSE


Well-known member
social anxiety

Hi Jermaine!, im 20 yrs old and also have very bad social problems. I used to wait like hour after school so i could walk home alone and not see anyone or i would ride a later bus so i didnt have to ride home with kids i knew from school. And i hated going to stores because i know those are the worst places to go for someone like me. I had medication but stoped taking it. I would usually forget it and be really bad to be with. I would jsut be mad and extremely sensitive and emotional. My escape was music and i'd walk around at night cuz at night its harder to see someone and no one is usually around at night. Problem is, theres not much to do at night. Most of the time i can deal with people just not like a big group of people somewhere, i stil dont want to do that, like a support group, i dont know if i could handle that yet My social anxiety is getting worse i think. Well tahnx for redaing my entry and hope ive helped you in knowing more people have this problem and can truly understand what your giong through from personal experience. Bye.