Exams O_o


Hi Everyone!

I've got final exams this week and I am feeling super super anxious about them. Do any other students have physical responses to their stress (e.g., sweating, stomach acid, lightheadedness, fatigue)? I suppose this could apply to anyone under a lot of stress. Any tips out there on how to relax yourself? Good diet and exercise really help me but I cant do those when Im desperate to study. Showering just makes me sleeeeeepy and music distracts me too much :confused::confused: How does one keep calm??? The eternal question springs forth again....

Anyway, im in the midst of my first all-nighter of the week. Wish me luck on my virology final at 8am!!!!!!!!! I'd like the thought of having you folks root for me ::p:


Well-known member
I know what you mean, I'm exactly like that, maybe hang out with friends once in awhile, they always take me off my mind about exams. Though majority of the time I just end up studying since that's all my brain wants me to do lol and it makes me feel better just knowing I've studied a lot. Most importantly sleep if you can. I know it's not much help, but good luck! I'm sure you will do well!
lol.. this is exactly what has happened to me and why im not going to school the last week...
when I start feeling like this, they're is no help lol cuz i cannot study and let alone go to school.. risking my grades, but yeah..
hope someone can give u some advice :)