Fatigue / Lazyness / Energy drinks


Well-known member
I have a problem (among many other problems), I'm always tiered. Specially in the morning. As a result, I'm lazy. I often even after a full night of sleep feel like laying down in bed because I have no energy.

-I'm in great physical shape
-I do sports
-I train and exercise regularly
-I usually sleep between 7 to 9 hours per night
-I eat well enough

I don't understand why I always feel exhausted during the day.
If god forbid I get less than 7 hours of sleep on a given day, I'm a real zombie.

Not sure if this has anything to do with my social anxiety, I guess it could be related, I'm really not sure.

Coffee makes me sweaty and anxious.
Energy drinks such as Red Bull, Guru, Monster, Rock Star I've tried em' all but they don't really give me the energy I'm looking for and I always get the "crash" effect afterwards...plus it makes me a little anxious too.

So I read up on energy drinks and found out that the little bottles, 5 hour energy are the most effective, fastest acting and doesn't give the "crash".
So I bought a pack of 6, just took 1 moments ago.


A) Does anyone relate to my fatigue problem, if so, how do YOU deal with it ?

B) How do you react/feel after taking Coffee or regular energy drinks, does it have any effect on your anxiety ?

C) Have you tried the 5 hour energy drink, if so, please share...



Well-known member
Energy drinks will treat the symptoms temporarily, but not the cause. Normally I would recommend diet, exercise, and sleep, but it looks like you have all of that covered.

You might actually be training too hard physically and/or dealing with too much mental stress. This is called overtraining, it's common with athletes. It's when you overwork your central nervous system. The treatment is simple: more rest and recovery time (maybe even a week completely off), more healthy calories and vitamins.

More info here:


Well-known member
I get very tired too. Right now I'm going to sleep around midnight and wake up at 10:30 and I'm always exhausted when I wake up. This fall I only got about nine hours of sleep a night, and would have to take naps during the day. I actually recently went on Paxil, and since then I've been having a much easier time getting up, which makes me think that it's very psychological. But anyways, I still can't function with less than ten hours of sleep. Energy drinks makes my anxiety ten times worse, but I'm usually good with a cup of coffee for the day.

Maybe try sleeping more during the night? I couldn't imagine sleep only seven hours a night! Maybe also try figuring out something you want to do when you feel like sleep, maybe working out if you enjoy doing that or something else? A lot of it could also be habit. During the summer I would go to be at midnight and not be able to get up before noon. Then I actually forced myself to get up at ten everyday, and now it's pretty much part of my schedule. Maybe try going a week where you go to bed and wake up at the same time, and don't take any naps?

Anyways, hope this helps.


Well-known member
I do, I took iron tablets for a while because i was diagnosed with anaemia (though now it turns out my haemoglobin count is probably just low due to genetics) and they seemed to help. But it came back recently and now, on top of that, i can't get any sleep a lot of nights :/

I'd still have a bloodtest though, because anaemia is easily cured...


Well-known member
A little feedback on the 5 hour energy drink.

It works. Much more effective than an energy drink and you can actually feel the boost of energy within moments. In terms of taking a drink for energy, this one is the most effective one I've taken to date.

But I have the say that the feeling for me is unpleasant.
My energy level might be high, but so is my anxiety. My heart is going a little faster and I'm sweating alot.

I wouldn't recommend this for anxiety sufferers.


Angel_Of_Death said:
A little feedback on the 5 hour energy drink.

It works. Much more effective than an energy drink and you can actually feel the boost of energy within moments. In terms of taking a drink for energy, this one is the most effective one I've taken to date.

But I have the say that the feeling for me is unpleasant.
My energy level might be high, but so is my anxiety. My heart is going a little faster and I'm sweating alot.

I wouldn't recommend this for anxiety sufferers.

everything you described for your tiredness issue i can relate to.

i think it relates to social phobia in terms of high anxiety, its because of the anxiety we feel like this, have those tiredness issues

if i sleep below 8 hours iam a zombie too

if i drink coffee iam so hyperactive, i dont like it at all, my moves are so fast, i hate it.


I always feel tired. My family often blames me for being lazy. I think it's because of my depression and they don't understand it.
I used to drink energy drinks but not anymore because it only made my nervous system worse. My muscles now tend to tense up and twitch in time of psychological pressure. :?