Feel like I don't fit in anywhere.


Well-known member
I have never felt so alone than I do now. I mean.. growing up I always had friends and didn't really have a hard time fitting in until now, at age 24 I have no friends. The older I get I feel like Im becoming more and more alienated. I don't want to be stereotipical but seems like everyone fits into a certain group or another. It's like the smart ppl will hang out with the smart ppl, emos hang out with other emos, and the superficial rich ppl will hang with their own. Although I look smart/conservative I could never hang with other smart people because I just don't know what the hell their talking about. Im a little bit of everything but not enough to fit into a certain group. Just feeling so lost and lonely...I guess Im just a loser....


Well-known member
Nah, you're no loser. Have some self dignity!

Yeah, it's true, there are a ton of cliques out there. Hell even after school - could you imagine that? But really, those people are either stuck in collage/high school, or it just hasn't worn off yet. There's a ton of people like you and me, we make up... let's see - the rest of the world's entire population!

If your friends are emo's (if that's even a word, I just called them suicidal lunatics before it became a trend), stupid assholes who think they're smarter than the rest of the world, or otherwise people who just don't like you - then guess what buddy? You, sir, need better friends.

Enough said!


Well-known member
You know, when you're young and in grade school you think that you'll always have a small circle of friends like you did there. But then you move into the real world and you lose those friends and discover it's extremly hard to make new ones. You work all the time but you can't connect with anyone because it's a professional environment and people often aren't interested in making friends or interested in you. You go to school and you have a few passing conversations with people (if you can muster it) but after the conversations die you find yourself walking around campus and sitting in class alone watching everyone else talk as if they've been friends since grade school (some may have).
You go out to some public place hoping deep down that you'll meet someone somehow and not feel ackward the entire time you're out, but neither ever happens. And then you go home where you find yourself alone all over again, only when you're there you feel isolated instead of aliennated. But I've always said that aliennation is much worse than isolation. There is no loneliness more crushing than that of when you're surrounded by people.

I definitely know what it is to feel like you don't fit in anywhere.


Well-known member
ooSOULCRYoo said:
I have never felt so alone than I do now. I mean.. growing up I always had friends and didn't really have a hard time fitting in until now, at age 24 I have no friends. The older I get I feel like Im becoming more and more alienated. I don't want to be stereotipical but seems like everyone fits into a certain group or another. It's like the smart ppl will hang out with the smart ppl, emos hang out with other emos, and the superficial rich ppl will hang with their own. Although I look smart/conservative I could never hang with other smart people because I just don't know what the hell their talking about. Im a little bit of everything but not enough to fit into a certain group. Just feeling so lost and lonely...I guess Im just a loser....

I know just how you feel. I'm the exact same way. It's like I'm the only person in the world who isn't social and happy and successful at life. All because I'm always alone.


Well-known member
Some get confused between friendship and shadows- our shadow is the thing that does everything we do as we do it. The value of a friend is that they don't nod when we nod, or change just because we change.

You are never really alone and there is always a way through the darkness. Keep looking and I know you will find it.
Remember you DESERVE to be happy!


There's some sort of something I want to say, but I'm not entirely sure how to word it, you know? Sort of like... there's plenty of people you could fit in with, people you would feel at home with. It's just unfortunate that the social phobic's don't really have an easy time hanging with the other social phobics. I mean take this site for example, I think the exact same way as you, and I'm sure about 90% or more of us have felt or do feel the same way. It's just the nature of our similarities that makes it difficult to feel that we belong to a group... if you get my drift. You're not a loser in our books, you're part of our group.


Active member
zeroday said:
i too feel that way.

i go to work, i dont belong.
i go to school, i dont belong.
everywhere i go. i dont belong.

maybe i'm really just an android and i have yet to know. :]
zeroday, you just described me to the Tee. How did you know?


Well-known member
I haven't felt like I belonged anywhere since I was 12, even here really. I've been reading a lot of peoples' stuff here and I feel just as alienated as I do in real life almost. It's good to read about people's similar social problems, it actually makes me feel better, but I just can't relate to anybody in terms of interests and things. My interests are so far outside normal society, it's really frustrating...I feel like Seymour in the movie Ghost World, "I can't relate to 99% of humanity."


Well-known member
when i was in college i tried to be with a big group of girls that chat,loud and they can talk about everything.but after a while i feel that i'm not the same as them i can't fit with them.we are not the same type of person.we can push ourselves to be what we can is what i learn from it.


Well-known member
recluse said:
I feel the same way. I don't feel like i fit in anywhere.

^lol hey are u from SA forums as well??


btw...i've never "fit in" either...i havent always been a loner..ive had friends here and there...but it's true that i've pretty much been an outsider all my life..sigh


Well-known member
I dont feel like i fit in generaly either, even with the people i have abit more in common with, i feel like an alien sometimes, sometimes i think it feels like everyone is a robot apart from me, or im from a different world


ljwwriter said:
You know, when you're young and in grade school you think that you'll always have a small circle of friends like you did there. But then you move into the real world and you lose those friends and discover it's extremly hard to make new ones. You work all the time but you can't connect with anyone because it's a professional environment and people often aren't interested in making friends or interested in you. You go to school and you have a few passing conversations with people (if you can muster it) but after the conversations die you find yourself walking around campus and sitting in class alone watching everyone else talk as if they've been friends since grade school (some may have).
You go out to some public place hoping deep down that you'll meet someone somehow and not feel ackward the entire time you're out, but neither ever happens. And then you go home where you find yourself alone all over again, only when you're there you feel isolated instead of aliennated. But I've always said that aliennation is much worse than isolation. There is no loneliness more crushing than that of when you're surrounded by people.

I definitely know what it is to feel like you don't fit in anywhere.

Well that was brilliantly put. That's my life. Now I just thin on some fundamental level I don't fit in, something is wrong at my core!
I know how you feel. It's something I've experienced throughout my life... and people do form cliques and I never really fit in with one or the other throughout my encounters of many different social and cultural environments.


Well-known member
I have never felt so alone than I do now. I mean.. growing up I always had friends and didn't really have a hard time fitting in until now, at age 24 I have no friends. The older I get I feel like Im becoming more and more alienated. I don't want to be stereotipical but seems like everyone fits into a certain group or another. It's like the smart ppl will hang out with the smart ppl, emos hang out with other emos, and the superficial rich ppl will hang with their own. Although I look smart/conservative I could never hang with other smart people because I just don't know what the hell their talking about. Im a little bit of everything but not enough to fit into a certain group. Just feeling so lost and lonely...I guess Im just a loser....

a lone wolf eh...? yeah were all the same.... but i get used to it.... i cant deny whats the reality within me....thats why.....