Feeling better, but.... ;)


Well-known member
Hey all. I'm doing better this week (last week was when I posted that enormous rant about not functioning at work or in life). Posts on this forum and others really help me see things in a less delusional light. Thank you all!

Today we had another little lunch gathering in the breakroom. It was an ice cream birthday for one of the designers (we have little birthdays for everyone). Once again I had ZERO to talk about with my coworkers (who are 90% female, the other two being either weirder than me or *eek* management, so I have no "male bonding" going on here). Plus the designer got little gifts from coworkers (even though they're explicitly banned from these gatherings!) in the dept. and from other depts. It's like everyone here have been friends forever, even the girl who started only a month before me. So I feel a bit left out.

Now I know that it was extreme in the other thread when I spoke of these folks being "perfect life-ers", but still... *everyone* (and this is not an exaggeration) in the dept. makes more $$ than I do. *everyone* in the dept., including those years younger than me, have their own places and nice new cars (I don't care so much about the material per se, it's a reflection of "where they've gotten to" that I haven't). And, to top it all off, *everyone* in my department--except me-- is either married, engaged, or in the midst of a successful long-term relationship. That's 20-something people, most of whom are in their 20s and 30s.

They have friends and relatives that they do stuff with, which they always talk about... they swoon over tales of showers and weddings for 23 year olds (i'm 31)... they talk about their houses and husbands and marriages and all the stuff they go out and do. They all have interests quite different from mine. I have nothing to talk about with these folks. And now they're so used to me being quiet that they don't try to talk to me. And some of the folks I had gotten along with before now seem hesitant or even afraid of talking to me. (??) Everyone here is so damn bubbly and outgoing. I'm the only shy one. (As if I need to stick out like a sore thumb any more than I do LOL )

Add in that I almost never have to interact with coworkers for most of my job duties (copy editing is a good field for SAers :) ), and spend lots of time bored to death due to a lack of work (and a lot of boring work when there is work), and it's no surprise that I get freaked out like I did last week.

I've only been here since May and I've already screwed up another work environment. Between that and having little to do, it's no wonder my career is going nowhere.


Well-known member
Your post brings back memories and not many good ones. My worst job was an office job and I too was the only shy one. Some days I just wanted to leave and never come back. I left the company to enter a partnership with a friend and previous coworker and that did not work out and I felt lucky to be able to get my job back after being away for a month. However, I knew it would be temporary and I left again after several more years. We also had those parties you speak of and a real fuss was made over the popular ones. Perhaps I would still be there if I had as little contact with coworkers as you have. After leaving a second time, I got into swimming pool service and operated that business for over 12 years. I had no problem dealing with customers (as long as they did not invite me to any of their parties) and most of the work was done in a quiet backyard with little contact with people. Now I'm retired since '01 and retirement is easier on my sp as well. I don't understand why everyone in your section is making more money than you are. It sounds like you are senior to many of them. Well, I wish you well and with a little luck, there will be a new guy come along who you feel comfortable with and make you workdays easier to bear.
i feel u....i know exactly how it is being w people and wanting what they have feeling awkwrd bc u dont and cant and cant even talk w them or relate.........reminds me of public school...yuk.


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies, folks!

The popular ones do get away with more at work too... we arrive at 8:30. Most folks don't actually do any work until 9. They hang out, get coffee, discuss beadwork, some don't show up until 8:45, etc. Yet me, the new shy guy with the longest commute (over an hour!) to the office and who works as soon as I get to my desk got bitched at for being a few minutes late one day (never mind that the clocks in this bldg. are all different...). They also spend decent amounts of time having social hour at the next cube while I'm trying to work... sometimes managers from other departments come in and joint the social hour.... then people wonder why the work isn't done (my part of it is....). Also, *all of us*, hourly or salary, here get 30 minutes for lunch.... so salary folks take an hour, on top of time "out for errands" (??), while me and the punch clock know I get 30 and it had better be 30 minutes... if I ran out for "errands" or even took an hour to see the dentist my pay gets docked... and yet it's the salary people who bitched behind my back to the supervisor about me taking a cigarette break (!?!?!). I'm also often not given information essential to doing my job (I don't know how this place runs, it's so disorganized.)

That these folks are all buddies and 95% female (I'm a guy) seems an explanation, but hardly an excuse.

It's just odd.... If I were more outgoing, I could work less, goof off more, make more money and be popular and promoteable... but since I put my head down and produce, I'm the perpetual peon.

Who else has job-related issues?


Well-known member

I definately think people with SP get the shaft at work. In my department, I got stuck with all the crappy jobs that no one wanted. When something needed to be done, they would say, "Hey, Orlando will do it. He's a great guy!" Yeah, whatever. I think they knew I wasn't assertive enough to say no. After a while, I would feel very resentful towards them because I was taken for granted. What is worse? I felt like a goon or a toadie. "Yessssssss, master! Yesssss, master!" All I needed was a wandering eye, a lisp, and a humpback and I would be Egor (Dr.Frankenstein's assistant). I hated that fact that I believed that this was my position in life: the eternal follower.


Well-known member
It's always great to know when you're screwed, or at least that it's coming... without going in to detail and overly long explanation, it's become clear that someone (or someones) at this job are "out to get me" in a true non-paranoid sense. So, it's back on the market I go, as I'm not gonna get screwed by a bunch of childish idiots who whisper behind one's back and carp to one's boss all the time. To hell with them, I don't need this shit. they really shouldn't be pissing me off when I have the most important jobs in the department on my desk and the people who could help out with it if need be are all on vacation. Hmmmm, I may just have a "serious headache" tomorrow. Or my nonexistent dog will eat my car keys. Or maybe my grandmother will drop dead (it would be my third ;) ).

SA or no SA, the fact remains... PEOPLE SUCK!!!


Well-known member

What the heck is happening at work? Who do you think is moving against you? What did they specifically do? How did you become aware of it? [You really don't have to respond if you don't want to. I won't be offended. I'm just curious? because I had arguments at my work and I felt very uncomfortalbe there because of it.]

Any way, sorry that you're having a crappy time at work.


Well-known member

Was just thinking....as a friend...I get very flustered when I'm upset and I think the most catastrophic things are going to happen...It's bad because I'm on a rollercoaster with my emotions...One day, I feel happy and the next really sad...One hour, I feel happy and the next sad.

I'm just saying this because from your post it sounds like you're expecting to be fired already. I would just like to know if you have some options open to you: to directly speak to your boss about the false accusation (you don't have to mention the accuser but you can explain your situation. It just seems weird to me that you would be fired after someone just recommended you to be a project manager (Someone in your office is in your corner).

I don't want to give you warm fuzzy advice but it's something that works for me...when I get really upset and it calms me down....I think that things are not as helpless as seem right now because I upset and when I can think straight I'll be able to think of some possible options, rather than just my catastrophic ending.

I certainly don't know all the details of your situation but I am just concerned that you may be upset and flustered right now.


Well-known member
You're absolutely right, Orlando, thank you... my rollercoaster has been right here for all to see :)

There is hope though... this evening my boss spoke to me about some of the wierdness going on and how it might be resolved... even said a few things that clearly indicated that some others in the office weren't handling things properly... so it's not all me :)

Sorry to not go into more detail but it's esoteric and complicated and would take a wicked long time to write out. :) But thanks again for the moral support!! It's great to know I can find understanding people here like you Orlando-- even if it's only online. There certainly aren't many offline folk I can talk about this sort of stuff with. Or talk to, period! ;)


Well-known member
Oh shut the fuck up

Honestly, what the fuck are you talking about? I didn't read it. Who fucking cares about your problems? I'll tell you who cares: the occasional person. And I'll tell you who cares enough about your problems to read all that shit: no one. So you have quite a dilemma here. The people responding to your post are all idiots (myself included). You are also an idiot. So what does this leave us? You should probably stop wasting time on internet message boards. Moron. Fine, by that logic, I'm an idiot, but at least I'm trying to get you to stop feeding this horrible cycle of stupidity. Shut up. Deal with your problems like the rest of the world. Be happy that I'm giving you this pearl of wisdom. Now get outa' here, kid. Adieu.


Well-known member

I apologize. I was wrong. I said that I didn't read your post before. Well, now I read it. I'm 23 years old and on my second great love experience. I love this girl. She's amazing. I never thought I'd find another love after my first love (we broke up a year and a half ago), but now I found Megan. We're just beginning the beauty of being in love. I'm giddy. Wait what was your situation? Something about work and love or some shit? Well good luck with that crap.


Well-known member
Three-word phrases for Two Words:

1.Fuck You, Asshole.
2.Hope You Die.
3.Eat Shit, Prick.
4.Get A Life.


Well-known member
Two Words,

You have every right to have your opinions. However, this website is for people who are looking for friendship, encouragement, and answers to questions. If you don't like the format, go to another website!


Hi there J. I remember my experience working in retail I only made about 2 friends for the duration of the 3 years I was there. The rest of them treated me like crap and would walk all over me, harassing me, talking behind my back and took advantage of me. I never got used to the place and would usually call in sick, because of the stress I went through.


Well-known member
Calling in sick for one's sanity... I can relate to that totally! :) I've been tempted to do that for the past two days.