Feeling lonely?!


Active member
So lately I've been feeling more isolated than ever and my anger problems have been acting up again... Basically I threw my iPad at a wall because it was loading slowly or something like that and it hit the wall, the iPad was completely undamaged the wall on the other hand had an indentation. And today my mum came home from work in a bad mood, moaned at me for not doing something, then hardly said anything to me. She and my dad went to the shops and she asked me to do something so I did it then went back to my room, she said she wasn't finished so I came out and kinda snapped "what?!" she just said "nothing then" and slammed the door as she left. I got angry and started throwing things and one of the thing (a hairbrush) hit my new tv. It looked fine but then I turned it on and well I'd cracked the inside of the screen and it's broken...
I did the right thing and told my parents but they yelled at me and then my mum said that i would never get anything ever again. I started crying then, I wasn't as if I'd purposely decided to break my tv it was an accident! I haven't left my room since and I can hear them downstairs laughing and joking. Mum saying nice things to the dog ( she seriously loves that thing more than me). Everyone just seems happier without me there. I felt suicidal, stupid I know over something stupid but I suddenly felt like everyone was betterr off without me in their life and I should just disappear so I got some pills counted out 16 and decided I was going to do it. Obviously I didn't as I'm typing this up, I found a blog about a guy who'd been in my situation and I felt a bit better. I threw the pills away and got into bed.
I still feel alone though, I can still hear them downstairs. It's times like this I wish my brother still lived with us, he was always on my side and someone to chat to when my parents weren't talking to me.
Well that's my story of tonight, I had to tell someone and whether on not someone reads this doesn't matter because it feels good to share.


Well-known member
try talking to them about how you feel and how they aren't acting in the best ways to help you. if that doesn't/hasn't worked, talk to someone else about it and get them to talk to your parents, like maybe a school counselor-maybe your parents will see how serious the situation is if someone of authority gets involved. with that option, it might be a good idea to have a group meeting of you, your parents, and the counselor or whoever, so that you can be direct to your parents and have someone who can support you.
if these don't work, I'd try spending as much time away from there as possible, with some friends or other family, maybe even living somewhere else if you can, as long as it's safer and a better emotional environment for you.
with the anger stuff and parent junk, it could help you to go on a walk or go somewhere that helps you relax-get away from the situation more than in your room where you're still around the mess.
i'm glad you didn't commit suicide; your life has more to it than what you think.
if your parents don't appreciate you-and they're super wads for that-then surround yourself with people and/or animals that will appreciate you. you're needed alive on earth or else you wouldn't have been born.


Well-known member
Hang in there. Try not to break expensive things (i.e. tablet) next time; your mum is probably frustrated because she spent her hard-earned money to buy things for you but you broke them. I think she also wanted you to help her out a bit. Try to be more patient with her next time.


Well-known member
So lately I've been feeling more isolated than ever and my anger problems have been acting up again... Basically I threw my iPad at a wall because it was loading slowly or something like that and it hit the wall, the iPad was completely undamaged the wall on the other hand had an indentation. And today my mum came home from work in a bad mood, moaned at me for not doing something, then hardly said anything to me. She and my dad went to the shops and she asked me to do something so I did it then went back to my room, she said she wasn't finished so I came out and kinda snapped "what?!" she just said "nothing then" and slammed the door as she left. I got angry and started throwing things and one of the thing (a hairbrush) hit my new tv. It looked fine but then I turned it on and well I'd cracked the inside of the screen and it's broken...
I did the right thing and told my parents but they yelled at me and then my mum said that i would never get anything ever again. I started crying then, I wasn't as if I'd purposely decided to break my tv it was an accident! I haven't left my room since and I can hear them downstairs laughing and joking. Mum saying nice things to the dog ( she seriously loves that thing more than me). Everyone just seems happier without me there. I felt suicidal, stupid I know over something stupid but I suddenly felt like everyone was betterr off without me in their life and I should just disappear so I got some pills counted out 16 and decided I was going to do it. Obviously I didn't as I'm typing this up, I found a blog about a guy who'd been in my situation and I felt a bit better. I threw the pills away and got into bed.
I still feel alone though, I can still hear them downstairs. It's times like this I wish my brother still lived with us, he was always on my side and someone to chat to when my parents weren't talking to me.
Well that's my story of tonight, I had to tell someone and whether on not someone reads this doesn't matter because it feels good to share.

Good you didn't kill yourself and glad you found that post. Sucks you're in this moment right now, but I agree with the user that said find more support if you need it. It may no even be support related to your trouble. This just happens sometimes between parents and children. If you feel left out from your family; have you talked to them personally? A one on one where you both calmly express your feelings. Sorry you happen to be going through this right now, it seems like any old spat between child and parents. Well, hope you feel better after tonight.


Well-known member
Sorry to hear you had a rough day. I went through something similar awhile back. The bad feelings will pass.


Pirate from the North Pole
I've been at the exact same place 10 years ago. I hope I won't sound rude, but the thing is, OF COURSE nobody wants you around if you're always in a bad mood. I have no solution for you about how to stop being in a bad mood, because what worked for me was moving out. Without the constant pressure of those you live with, and more time alone to refuel, it's easier to fix your personal issues.


I've been alone since 2001

It is a factor to be balanced

Trying to find work & a partner.

Each happens, but doesn't last very long. It must be my social X-factor

It's great to have a new girl to stay with me and go out, or go to hers. All of it involves London, which brings good jobs for me, and there are plenty of new people to find there


Well-known member
Well I am not sure what I am supposed to say, but I have always thought as humans, we are meant to be alone. We are not meant to feel lonely though. My point is, we come into this world alone and we leave alone. We have to become comfortable being alone and being ourselves.

We don't come into this world alone, if you have anyone there, it's your mom. Plus most have the doctors, nurses, and a good number have the dad or other family member or friend there with the mom. And how about twins and other multiples? For some people, it's better for them to live on their own and keep to themselves, but for most, they need other human interaction-certainly in birth and in death (with death, other humans help in comforting the one who lost someone). Humans as a species are a social being, though that doesn't mean it's bad for some to keep to themselves, it just depends on the person.


There has been a significant improvement.

Daily activity is similar to how I existed in school holidays, with nothing to do. No point getting dressed. I rely on sources of external prompts, often inward effort... applying for jobs (24/7 of my effort) to be invited to interview.

Struggling with shirt, tie and cufflinks has only been the case since last job in Sep 2011. Even tying shoelaces has been difficult - not a lazy reason - needing better footwear - having to get dressed to go to a shop, and scared of taking off the shoes to try wearing new ones and able to tie on the old ones to leave the shop!! Dressing is a serious issue with epilepsy, which my determination serves me well, but it's never easy to overcome in nanoseconds. eg. I also struggle with getting metal coins out at a till. I've relied on simple methods for so many years. I'd love to show a child to do these simple things... but may not be able!

Lack of practice is the root problem, as is the main problem of not working yesterday, in my special 14 years of professionalism. The more days alone without routine or raison d'etre = plummeting further beyond saving.:thinking:

Getting out of the house & back, and staying clothed until bedtime, has brought huge improvements. On the way, there are stray cats and car maintenance


Active member
Well it's great that you all think I'm spoiled, I know it seems that way and I hate myself for breaking such expensive things. Of course I have growing up to do, I'm only 15 (16 in four months) and you know what? I don't need you all to tell me to grow up or reality will "bite me in the a." Because I'm going to make mistakes in life and it's my job to learn from them. Don't judge me because you don't know or understand me, not many people do. I get that's your opinion and you're entitled to it but don't judge me so harshly if you don't know me