Feeling stupid!


When i feel like ive done something really stupid i just want to hide away. And usually these things are so minor, but to me its major! I cant seem to forget about it, and i can go on for hours being upset, i dont want to talk or look at anyone, anyone else do the same thing, and what do you do to stop these stupid behaviors?? :oops:


Well-known member
I'm always obsessing about things. I wish I knew how to stop this, but I don't think there is much you can do. I just try to distract myself, so that I think about something else.


Well-known member
All the time, i can totally relate...
Sometimes simple things turn into a major issue to me, and when i get embarassed i keep that feeling for hours, and now sometimes i feel guilty by feeling this way :(...

These days i almost got hit by a car because of embarassment ...
i would very much like to know somehting that help not feel bad for that long.
I'm always feeling bad about having done something really stupid... but Einstein probably did a lot of really stupid little things in his life, too. Somehow we have to learn some detachment. Not every moment is a test to pass or fail. Most stuff just doesn't matter, it only seems to because we're intent on looking for mistakes to improve on.

skygurl said:
what do you do to stop these stupid behaviors??

I'm at my stupidest when nervous, because nervousness is distracting. Of course the fear of doing something stupid or the afterglow of having just done something stupid cause nervousness, so it's self-perpetuating. I think not caring would reduce the frequency of stupidity... but it's so much easier said than done.


Its good to hear others do this too. My boyfriend tells me the same thing that need to forget about it and move on, its too petty to dwell on. Im thinking that something to distract me may be a good idea. I like to write how im feeling, so thats what im going to try to do and then once its down on paper i should forget about it, hope it works!! I like this site its nice to talk to people who understand :)