Game: this or that?


Well-known member
This time i will pick Beauty - she is lovely and kind. She loves to read and she does not walk away from a challenge. Very nice.

To be one of the 'nothings' that built the Pyramids OR the Great Wall of China ?


Well-known member
Cotton Candy - at least with that you have the illusion that you are not just eating a bag full of sugar.

To win the Tour de France OR Wimbledon ??


Well-known member
Oh dear - i am actually going to be honest here and say chemical fertilizer - i know, i know - ouch that tomato hurt, stop throwing them - hey at least i'm honest - i just can't do the compost thing.

Blues Brothers original OR Blues Brothers 2 ?


Well-known member
The original - the're always the best - although i loved Kate Bush's version of 'Rocket Man' better.

Again i know this is morbid - okay you are on death row - how do you choose to die : Gas OR Electric chair ??


Well-known member
Electric chair - hey it could actually be fun - unlike getting gassed, that would just be extremely painful. :(

consisently okay or shares of extreme ups and extreme downs?


Well-known member
FUN!!!!! Hey i'm supposed to be the morbid one here.
I would like a nice middle - well i have that now but there aint nothing ok about it - so consistantly okay.

To have a talent for the arts eg, poetry, creative writing, painting... OR be more mathematically and scientifically inclined ??


Well-known member
well I mean neither would be fun, but being electrocuted at least sounds a little more enjoyable then breathing in deadly gases

hmm I'm going to have to be boring and go with the science/math thing; I just think it would be better for finding a good job

somebody who is extremely ungiving with their money or a mooch?


Well-known member
hmm, difficult, I will say someone who is tightfisted, at least that way they aren't taking anything off you.

Driving yourself or being chauffered?


Well-known member
I like to drive myself, i also sing when i'm alone in the car, something I could not do with a chaffeur!

U have a body issue, would u prefer- 3 Hands or 3 feet?


Well-known member
3 feet, 3 hands would be very useful but it'd be harder to hide. 8O

Weird one now:

Taking a bath in vegatable oil or taking a bath in mayonnaise?


Well-known member
I'll take mayonaise pls, i hear it's good for your hair.

If you had to choose between being deaf or blind which would u choose?


Well-known member
That is a hard one. A good book is much better than a good show, but a bad show is much easier to deal with than a bad book. A bad book is more than a letdown, it is a betrayal, lol.
So I will go with T.V. even though it makes me sound like a neanderthal.
Beatles or Elvis?


Well-known member
Can I combine the 2? ^^' ok beach, cause I think I'd feel secluded in the mountains

Xbox 360 or PS3? :D


Well-known member
Alone. a Huge crowd would be too much.

To be the only person able to see a supernatural creature and never have anyone believe you, or to have everyone else able to see this creature but you never can?


Well-known member
to be the only one. i have no problem keeping my beliefs and experiences to myself.

Walk naked down a crowded street or hold a speech in front of a large audience?