

Active member
Well ive been posting for a bit now and forgot about posting anything about myself.

Im 30, married with 2 children, i've had agoraphobia for around 2.5 years but always had social anxietys.

Me and my wife haven't lived together for over 2 years because i moved out to live with a relative so she'd get the rent paid (lost my job due to my condition).

Being seperated and having to rely on my wife to make the effort to come and see me has been hell. There's always something she has to do and ive gone months without seeing her or the kids. It feels sometimes that there's really no relationship left but i carry on hoping that tomorrow she'll want to come and stop the night.

Apart from that, im a retired world of warcraft player (sad i know) because my pc broke and all i have is my laptop, i play online ps3 games and i enjoy drawing.

I love many kinds of music such as Jean Michel Jarre, wacko jacko, Mike Oldfield but heavy metal is my fav.
Sorry for the wall of text.


Well-known member
Hi, and welcome to the forum.

I think you'll find a lot in common with the folks here.


Well-known member
Awesome welcome to the boards! (even though you registered a while back :) ) I love playing Warcraft. I still have the old 1995 Warcraft game Tides of Darkness lol. :rolleyes:


Active member
Yeah i dont doubt it. It's kinda nice knowing im not the only one around.

And i've never played any of the other warcraft games, only wow but i've kicked the habit now thank god.


Well-known member
Hey I am 31 and have three kids so we have some things in common.:D
I also have agoraphobia, we have this in common as well.::(:
Welcome to the site. And if you ever need to talk let me know.