GH (growth hormone) deficiency


Well-known member
If anyone has read this, or has the time to PLEASE read this, could you post your opinions and feedback on it?

According to this information, a lack of this 'growth hormone' COULD BE a cause of social aviodance, depression, anxiety, and more.

Thanks! resources/adult-gh.htm


Well-known member
Hmm…could be worth looking into…I match a few of the symptoms for AGHD, but they’re pretty broad so I don’t know. Excessive tiredness, and increased sensitivity to cold or heat sounds like me. Plus I have NO stamina. And I think I’m fairly small for a bloke…about 5ft 6 last time I measured I think. But I dunno, my whole family’s pretty small.


Well-known member
This could cause certain anxiety problems, but the following line would suggest this theory is disjoint from SP where nearly 7% of the adult population is affected. 'It is estimated that about 3 in every 10,000 of the adult population are GH deficient'. On a different note I am often exhausted myself :)


Well-known member
I have all those symptoms of Adult Growth Hormone Defincency!!!!
I am 18 but I look like Im 13.
Thanks for showing me this.


Well-known member
Actually yea, I look well young for my age as well. I’ve always had a baby face. And I reached puberty pretty late, and in fact I still feel like I’m changing slowly now, and I’m 22. My beard is still well bum fluffy, and I’ve just started growing hairs on my chest! It doesn’t bother me or anything, but it’d be nice to know if there are reasons for this!

Plus, I just read that blood clotting thing, and well I get this thing all the time where my skin, at random parts of my body, will start bubbling, like the blood has congested and piled up or something. Which is a bit weird. I dunno if its connected or not, but it’d be nice to get some answers.