Going back to counseling and feeling guilty about it?


Well-known member
So I’ve been browsing the web looking for reasons people go to counseling. I’m depressed, but I won’t admit it and I don’t even consider it to be a legit problem to go to counseling for. I feel like I’m taking up space where someone with a real problem could be getting help. I need to go back because I can’t control my thoughts, my anxiety seems to be getting worse, and I can’t stop contemplating suicide even though I made a promise to myself I wouldn’t do it.


Well-known member
I’m depressed, but I won’t admit it and I don’t even consider it to be a legit problem to go to counseling for.
Why don't you think it's a legitimate problem? Of course it is. Depression is awful and if you can get it cured, go do it. You won't be wasting your psychologist's time.


Well-known member
Helping people with issues such as depression, suicidal thoughts, etc - that's what a counselor/psychologist is for! You don't have to feel ashamed or guilty about it.