Going to the Library!


Well-known member
Yay, I love going to the Library. hehe, this just proves that I have no life, when I get excited about going to borrow some books. :lol:

But seriously, libraries are great, you can borrow books and magazines and videos and dvd's and c.d's, all free. I am hoping to get my hands on some Harry potter stuff (Im a big fan) thats if all the little kiddies havent already borrowed them for the holidays :). I just have to wait until it cools down a bit here first, I aint steppin' out in this Aussie heat.

Does anyone else think that libraries are great places or is it just me?


Well-known member
Libraries rule.I sent way to much time in the libraries when i was a kid.No life for me.


Well-known member
yes except for the dingy ones !!

my current local library is excellent, has everything, and i used to go there and use the internet every day when i didnt have it at home.

i used to also go with one of my friends to his uni's library and we'd study, i liked it there too.


Well-known member
hehe yes the library is a guilty pleasure for me too, also because it provides a kind of sancturary type of get away, less annoying teenagers


Well-known member
I think Libraries are about the perfect hang out for people with SA.
I love em..

I don't have to worry about people really looking at me or asking me questions cause thier all reading books!

But yet I'm still around other people so I'm not completely alone.

Maybe I'm just weird..
Me too! I love libraries. What's better than a place free of anxiety and of free knowledge.? And they have computers there too!
I feel comfortable at a library 'cause I'm surrounded by people who are also quiet and not very talkative. While they may not be SA the place still gives me the feeling of belonging.


Well-known member
I spent a lot of my childhood in my local library, luckily it was also close to the local lake and woods so it was such a peaceful place to hang out.

I'd borrow books on playing the keyboard (had a nice tacky one back then, and could play a few tacky tunes!) and books on animals that I'd see around my area, stuff on ancient Egyptians and how to draw books. Never any fiction funnily enough. Sooo much fun.

I still hang out at my uni library more than anywhere else now, except I read about machines and math. Challenging but not very relaxing. Sometimes, if I'm feeling extra brave, I'll make a special trip down to the arts campus and spend a few hours in their library checking out the funky art and comic books.

Books rule, I have such a pile of unread books I'm gagging to read sat on my bookshelf. What does everyone else enjoy reading?


Hello and Happy Holidays to everyone,

I live in a small town and I have used up my local library. In other words there are no older books in the library that I can find that I would like to read. Of course new books eventually come in, but I now buy more books to supplement because it's just not enough. This is expensive because I read a lot 8O



Well-known member
Is Barn and Noble a book store?.

My library sells off its old books for 50 cents each and magazines for 20 cents, so its great value. I recieved some gift vouchers for Christmas so its off to the local bookstore for me :) .



Don't anyone say that someone doesn't have a life,just because they spend alot of time in a library. That's very rude.