good first experience with Hydrosal gel

Tried Hydrosal gel for the first time the other night. Next day my face felt warmer than usual & it was a bit moist but no actual beads of sweat running down. It's just my head that sweats excessively, the rest of me isn't a problem. It wasn't that warm a day, but my head sweats regardless. Part of my job at the nursing home is serving the supper, which means the steam trays blowing in my face, arghh! Would you want someone sweating like a pig serving a meal to you? Anyway, it helped alot physically & I even felt better emotionally. I feel I have to explain my dripping face with various excuses like "oh, I just gave someone a tub bath" or "Mrs. Smith doesn't have any windows open in her room & it's really hot in there."
I've also just ordered Avert 1 mg which should arrive in a few days, for when the really hot & humid days come. I've not tried it before & will start at the lowest dose & increase it as needed as recommended by the pharmacist.
Might finally have a worry-free summer! First time in years. Stay tuned! :)


Well-known member
hey, I've got the same job you

probably not the best place for an HH guy to be working -- around hot food/steamtables -- but whatever..
Old people are always freezing, lol! I'm a nurse & also have to go into their rooms to give the meds. They amaze me with their multiple sweaters on & enough blankets on their beds to sleep outdoors at the North Pole.
Back to the Hydrosal, the effects lasted 3 days but I'll have to put it on again tonight. Everything doesn't work for everyone, but for those who want to start out with something topical, I recommend it. I'm seeing some dry skin even with just using it once, but I may have put too much on.