Has anyone ever gotten rid of SA?


Well-known member
If you have, or someone you know has ever overcome/gotten rid of their social anxiety disorder... Please tell me their names and how they did it. I need hope. I'm listening to "Overcoming Social Anxiety Step by Step" tapes recorded by a man named Dr. Richards who claims to have overcome his SA in the 1990s, but I'm skeptical as to whether 1) he ever had SA and is just trying to make money or 2) he really did ever get rid of his SA. So if anyone can confirm that people really do/can defeat this nightmare... PLEASE!
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Well-known member
Hey man I hope this helps, But Im not anxiety free but Im much better then a year ago :)
I have had social anxiety for a long time but never thought of it before I started to get really bad panic attacks and agoraphobia in December 2009 but I got help quickly and I went in to exposure therapy. It took a lot of hard work for months to get okay again and in that time when I was at my worst I isolated from my friends. When I started to go out and meet them again it was not that fun as it use to be tho the knew what I was dealing with and I have known them for years it was hard to be around with. My therapist got me into group therapy hahaha with lot of other people that were must worse then me but after going there Ten times for two hours each time I started to get comfortable with in the group.
It just takes time and lot of hard work to get better I don't thing anyone will get 100% free. Just try to use every chance that you get to practice on you social skills. But start small first like go out for a walk and say Good day or good afternoon to every one that pass by :) I hope this helps you :)
I'm better as well. I'm looking forward to the day that I can say "I am social anxiety free"... I truly believe it's possible.... but not absolutely certain that it can happen... I have been improving though.

As mentioned before, I could also not talk to people at all at some point... I can go shopping... talk to people if I have to and such.... though I still get a little scared when I do those things but I can do them... I can't say beyond this though, besides I think it's possible that one day I may get to a point where my SA doesnt affect me or it's very little that I dont notice it that much.