hated by everyone


Well-known member
Just wondering if anyone on here for some reason is hated and annoyed by you?I try to make friends but for some reason all they wanna do is kick my ass for not talking i mean what the fuck is there problem am being extra nice to them and all they can do is give me a badface and not talk to me.Also is any of you drinking or using drugs just to make them feel good or be more relaxed in social situations?am having problems with drinking i drink about everyday and if i dont its just another day am not alive.


Well-known member
Yeh. i used to feel that everyone hated me. That stemmed from the bullying I suffered for many years but now i realise not everyone hates me. I do come across as ignorant though due to the SP and people pick up on that.
I dont drink or take drugs for my condition. I like to have full use of my faculties...lol.


Well-known member
I've found that being overly really takes people by surprise and it makes them feel shitty about being mean in the first place.