Have you ever thought of becoming a monk or a nun?


Well-known member
Often times I think about becoming a buddhist monk. :lol: Maybe then I will find peace and happiness. I don't know... just a silly thought. I know that its not easy to become one.


Well-known member
I used to imagine myself as a nun, I think maybe I just wanted to wear the outfit....i used to imagine myself wearing hot pink underpants under my nuns habit and looking all sneaky and smug :oops:


Well-known member
ooSOULCRYoo said:
Often times I think about becoming a buddhist monk. :lol: Maybe then I will find peace and happiness. I don't know... just a silly thought. I know that its not easy to become one.

you can become a nun in an orthodox monastery located in some mouantains in california,if u seriously think of that. i saw a movie about them, beautiful scenery, they even have dial-up net. but its chilly up there.


Well-known member
Emma said:
I used to imagine myself as a nun, I think maybe I just wanted to wear the outfit....i used to imagine myself wearing hot pink underpants under my nuns habit and looking all sneaky and smug :oops:
:lol: ^

I seriously thought about becoming a Catholic priest. But my faith wore off, and it would be pretty awkward if I didn't believe in what I was doing and was just using them just to have a comfortable living situation, with the isolation and whatnot. :?
Sometimes I think that if i killed myself I'd find peace. Then I realize that I'm stupid, because I'd much rather live than die. I want to make my existence rock, but I don't know quite how. I feel like living more than just existing.


Well-known member
Atomic_Ritual said:
Sometimes I think that if i killed myself I'd find peace. Then I realize that I'm stupid, because I'd much rather live than die. I want to make my existence rock, but I don't know quite how. I feel like living more than just existing.

One reason I choose to continue living is that I love to learn new things. And I'm just too curious to find out how the rest of my life will play out.

I think I'll find peace when I learn 100% to accept being myself.


u really make me laughing.
i am from China.
if u wanna be a monk, i can help u really. contact me if u want,ok?lol
but definitely, monk or non is not eqivalent to happiness or peaceful life.
i tried to become a franciscan monk recently. I lived with them for a while in their friary here in chicago. I did not understand half the stuff they were talking about because i've never been a serious catholic. I ended up leaving because i knew they would eventually kick me out. I just felt out of place there and even more depressed than usual. I can't seem to find happiness anywhere these days.


Well-known member
Yeah it's crossed my mind too but I don't know if that is because that's what I'm being called to do or am I just trying to find an easy way out and hide from the world.....


I've thought about this many times, but when it comes right down to it, my faith is not strong or conventional, sometimes even nonexistent. The priesthood, abbeys, and convents are not places to hide from your pain.


Last year I was staying in ashram in India, for about a week. It was nice and peaceful there, but I couldn´t share the excitement and strong faith of the people. I wanted to learn a series of certain yoga excercises but didn´t have much faith in it so I didn´t go much to the lessons. But the girls from the ashram were so strong in their faith, nearly convinced me that the excercises had miraculous and healing powers. Finally I gave it last try and went to the lessons, but felt asleep on the floor right at the beginning. I woke up when the session was nearly over. Everybody laughing, of course. I was annoyed why they didn´t wake me up and let me miss my last chance. They said it was probably good for me. Ever since I suspect, I am a spiritually hopeless fall with sleep being the highest spiritual activity I am capable of.