Have you read this doctor's website?


Active member
I'm editing this post to correct the link where I read the most interesting info by Dr. Benohanian and it is http://www.benohanian.com/en/Hyperhidrosis.htm (please capitalize the H in Hyperhidrosis

Although there are other websites by this doc. I just found the info in this particular link very interesting regarding oral meds.

He makes me a little fearful of the oral meds. A little more insiteful than just the "dry mouth" symptom. I thought I was ready to find a doctor, pay out of pocket for oral meds until reading this.

however, there is a formula that he has perfected that I just don't understand how we in the real world are supposed to get our hands on. Not sure if he's talking to pharmacist or :?:

I definitely want to give it a try for my feet :!: :!:


Well-known member
He is the guy behind this:


The commercially available gel is a little weak, though.

If you have a good pharmacist, you could have them make up a stronger version (though I don't think any of the chain stores would do it, like Walgreens or CVS)


Active member
The link shared by missyv is incorrect. It directed me to a 'cannot find webpage' site. I am really interested to know about what the doctor had said. If you have an alternate link, kindly post it here. Thank you guys :D


Active member
Dr. Benohanian

Aramid said:
The link shared by missyv is incorrect. It directed me to a 'cannot find webpage' site. I am really interested to know about what the doctor had said. If you have an alternate link, kindly post it here. Thank you guys :D

Hello Aramid, I went back and put in the link that I had up yesterday and it came back up on my drop down list as http://www.benohanian.com/en/Hyperhidrosis.htm please capitalize the H in Hyperhidrosis. It will take you directly to the site where I got to read a lot of insiteful info by Dr. Benohanian. If you type just his name in however, you will get lots of info and his websites will pop up. But, first please check out the address i've listed above. Good Stuff :D


Active member

Yeah, thanks Pinker- you know i suppose I got a little excited because i'm new to all of this info. For years I didn't know what was wrong with me and visiting all of those podiatrist in the big "NYC" while I had medical coverage you would have thought that the subject of HH would have come up, at least once :roll:

I have used Drysol, OstiDerm, formaldyhyde (which burned the skin on the top of my feet horribly) took Lamisol, Sporonax (liver killing drugs prescribed by podiatrist who didn't have a damn clue but I would refuse to leave dr's offices without something to alleviate my mental pain) and a host of over the counter drugs.

After coming to Baltimore and speaking to a dermatologist learning about HH, I was prescribed Drysol and it seemed to be a great find at first- worked well- however, it wasn't long before I realized it was no longer working. The dermatologist at Johns Hopkins Hospital her in Baltimore did not want me to take the oral meds because of the side effects, she suggested leaving them for a last result. I thought I was holding on to some kind of get out of jail free card I'd pull out later on, now I'm feeling hopeless if the side effects from the oral meds are as bad as all that.

Pinker said:
It's full of a lot of useful information, but it doesn't really tell us anything new.

Aluminium chloride is fine, but we eventually become 'immune' to it, or it just stops becoming effective. I used it on my fingers for years and now it doesn't do much to help. Going to 30% or even 50% may be useful, but the same thing will probably happen with them. Also heavy concentrations of chemicals is never a good thing.

I've never tried Hydrosal (benohanian) Gel so I can't speak for it. It is basically aluminium chloride based but it used salycilic acid as the carrier instead of alcohol. His theory is the acid penetrates the skin much better and without the irritation.

I don't like oral meds at all, but some people have few options. I've tried probanthine and it dries my entire mouth and throat out which is horrendous. Not only that but I get a horrible taste as well with the lack of saliva. My head also feels dense and I sometimes get tired. Anyone get this with Robinul?

What we need these guys to do is think of new treatments, new methods. Not just refining old methods like using aluminium chloride.


Active member
I had read the entire article. All of the information are useful but most of them are what I'd known already. I realized that anti-cholinergic drugs has a lot of negative side effects. I am still sad because there is no permanent cure for hyperhidrosis. I guess I will have this till I die. :(


Active member

Hi Pinker, yes, it's just my feet that keep me in the house and I stay barefoot here. When I'm at home barefoot, I don't notice the sweating as much because I'm relaxed and don't have to deal with people. But, when I try to work, my feet sweat from the nervousness of my feet sweating and it leaves my shoes with odor in them. Then, I'm fearful to ever wear that pair of shoes again. It's a crazy cycle.

It was suggested by someone on this site that I try zinc. I'm going to have to try and get someone to find and pick some up for me. I'm not sure if I'm looking for a natural product with Zinc in it or pure Zinc capsules or what.

If the Zinc can take away my foot odor. 11 years of misery may but just a thing of my past. I'm praying to God that Zinc might help me.


Active member

Ionphresis, yes I've heard about this some time ago. I'm afraid of that machine. Spoke to dermatologist at Johns Hopkins Hosp. in Baltimore MD and she said you really have to be careful using it and you have to be trained. She also didn't want me to try oral meds. She just wanted me to use topicals and one of them was $54.00 I don't have medical insurance so I'm really not able to experiment with a lot of techniques.

I'm going to try the Zinc and see what happens.