Having a crush on someone that barely notices you


Well-known member
So I've been having a serious crush on one of my coworkers. It's crazy as I don't even know if he's gay (I think he is but I'm not too sure) but regardless I feel an intense attraction towards him.

Every time I speak with him I always tend to look at him very intently even though I try not too, lol. I can't help wanting to see his eyes or hear him speak. I keep trying to chat him up and befriend him but I feel it's very one sided in my part. To him I'm probably just some odd quiet guy who keeps coming around who he has to be polite to.

That's why I hate these feelings, I keep getting depressed, teary-eyed, mad, bla bla bla. The usual crap when you think you're in love. I'm sure it'll pass but I just hate how someone who doesn't give a shit about you can suddenly take over your thoughts and feelings. I also hate how I always fall for unavailable men but I guess that's my mind's way of keeping me from getting hurt :?

Anyways I just had to bitch to someone :D


ventriloone said:
ok i'm sorry to be so homophobic but howcome there are so many gay posts...

ok i'm sorry to be so heterophobic but howcome there are so many straight posts...


Well-known member
ventriloone said:
ok i'm sorry to be so homophobic but howcome there are so many gay posts...

Because there are also gay people in this world whose opinion need to be heard, that's why..

Nico: I know all about it..I've recently had a major, no MAJOR crush on a straight guy (I'm gay) and I can tell you it's excrutiating! Unrequited 'love' is the worst feeling in the world, next to loneliness. But if this guy is straight there's nothing you can do. As long as you keep your emotions under control and don't let it develop into an obsession, you should be fine. It'll pass in time. Why not ask some of your other co-workers if you are unsure? If you feel like your emotions are too strong then keep away from him. Or else find out more about him. I think a person with a crush on someone tends to place the other person on a pedestal, so to speak. Also, what keeps the crush going is your lack of knowledge about the guy. When you learn more about him, he becomes 'regular' with flaws and all..does that make any sense? Sadly I think I scared my crush away, because I was hovering about him so much...don't get me started on that though I'll only cry :cry: :oops:
NB: yeah and realize that it's not real love, only superficial lust, as long as you can control it, it's harmless and try not to become obsessive or you'll scare the poor guy away! Sorry for the long post..