Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Speak Nothing


Well-known member
So I'm a 22 year old college student. I've finally gotten to the point where I want medical help for my Social Anxiety, but no health insurance (Come on Obama.....), so I'm out of luck and left to suffer.

When I was very young and in Kindergarten experiencing social situations like that for the first time on my own, I realized that I was different, but I thought in a special way. All of the other boys were loud, ruckusy, obnoxious and gross, so naturally whenever we had to get in groups with the opposite sex, all of the girls ran to me. I felt good about myself.

I got to the 4th grade in Middle School and realized I was different but in a bad way. One of the worst, if not the worst year of public schooling I've ever had. I'd rather not go into detail, but let's just say no one was stampeding toward me anymore to be my partner. I hated myself.

I was diagnosed at 16 in High School with Social Anxiety and Depression, although I was persistent in letting her know that I wasn't depressed, just pissed off at my mother. You know how the teenage years are. I had been depressed before and knew how it felt. But anyways, so I went on Paxil and the dosage must have been too small because I felt no different at all until I eventually went off of it.

After years of just accepting my fate and feeling like this would be my normal forever, I've finally decided I'd actually like to go on medication for my condition because as I'm getting older, some things are just getting unbearable.

I have no friends, no social life, never had a girlfriend/boyfriend, and keep to myself.

I've never had a panic attack, but I have had these pulsating debilitating lightening strikes along the sides of my abdomen after public exposure. It's only happened 2 and a half times and it last about a minute. But it's extremely painful and you really can't move or do anything and it takes everything out of you to keep a stoic straight face and not betray the pain coursing within you.

I always think people are talking or laughing at me, but I think the paranoia is warranted because I'm usually right. I'm convinced of this. I don't like to eat in front of people and I treat family members like strangers. Sometimes I fee like my lips are the size of a grapefruit and that everybody is staring at them. When I have something to say and am trying to get the nerve to say it, my hearts start attacking itself just by the thought of publicly speaking and I feel like everybody can see it beating through my shirt.

After public situations, whether I speak or not, I'm thinking and stressing over it and over analyzing everything that I did and what I did wrong, what I could have done differently and how I embarrassed myself.

Somehow I ended up in this Theater Class and tomorrow I have to ACT in front of the class and because the scene from the play has a little RAP number in there, my group decided it'd be fun to do a little music video-esque thing and RAP in front of the class as well.

I'm physically ill and dying. Quitting college over this sounds so good to me. Or at least dropping the class.

And I researched up on Social Anxiety and I found out that it's in the group of Mental Illnesses that tend to get WORSE as you get older and I can tell. When I was young I thought I was just naturally shy and would grow out of it. I know differently now and it's rather depressing, because I'm leaving childhood and entering adulthood and I'm just not ready. I haven't caught up mentally to where I'm supposed to be.

When I was younger I'd always ask myself, "When am I going to come across somebody exactly like me?"
22 years and I have not met ONE PERSON like me and I've stopped expecting it to happen. Especially now that I know I'm not normal.

I've accepted how I am and how it's going to be. I don't mind being alone anymore and the prospect being single forever is something I've accepted as well. As if I had a choice. This is all I know and all I ever expect to know.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
For me, medicine doesnt make much of a difference. Use your best judgment, but my advice is drop the class! I always stuck it out with those awful classes. Dont do it! Its not worth it. Especially if you can drop without getting a W on your transcript.


Well-known member
Don't drop out, stay in that class, and make it so awkward that EVERYBODY ELSE drops out !!!
I feel like I've done that with my other classes. I would only drop out if I knew I would fail. If the work is reasonable and you think you can pass, don't waste your money.
In my Speech class, it was soooo awkward. I know that I was an epicenter of awkwardness, and I watched it spread to the others. But I was adamant about staying in that class because I had wasted enough money already. Well, I got a C, impressed my teacher with one speech, and most of my nail-biting classmates called it quits.


Well-known member
Yeah, it's too late to drop with a "W" on my transcript. I was suppose to be graduating this semester and so taking this class was suppose to expedite that process.

Only I didn't get the last class that I needed that I was guaranteed a 99.9% chance of getting and so I'm doubly pissed that I'm in this Theater class for nothing now. I do need an "arts" class and this fulfills that requirement, but I could have taken a lower level one next semester since I'm still going to be here unfortunately. So that's salt in the wound. When I had graduation as a motivator, it was a little more bearable.

But yeah, so I'm still in the class. It's at 5:30pm today and my group is meeting at 5pm to practice out in the middle of campus in front of everyone, which isn't helping matters AT ALL. Why out in the open? Ugh. I will never get people. I'm really feeling it now. My nerves have nerves.

The thing is, I seem to be the only one in the class trepadacious about it. Everyone else is all for it and excited. So there really isn't anyone as nervous/awkward as me. Like I said, I've never met anyone like me. So yeah. No one's dropping because of shyness.

I'm going to have to pretend that I'm like them and try and pull it off as if I'm not bothered.

Needless to say, I'm freaking out and am looking for an obituary writer.


Well-known member
Oh my god. It won't stop tormenting me. I'm playing it over and over in my head and I'm going crazy. The mind craze that's going on now and that has been going on since it happened is almost worse than the actual event.

I believe I zoned out during the performance and just whited out and lost touch, but it's haunting the heck out of me now. I'm dreading returning to class. I'm wondering what people thought and think of me. I'm wondering if the laughing was WITH me or AT me.

It's excruciating and I won't have peace until December when this class is over.

I give up caring and trying in that class. All of my cards are on the table now and I am not going to fake interest or anything else for the sake of that teacher or the students. I hate her. I hate her for making me do that. Normally I only hate math teachers because I suck at math, but I have found something worse.

I'm so humiliated.