hello, I'm new


Where to begin....Well, there is a lot that I have to deal with, but right now mainly it's the ocd thing. Also: ocpd, perfectionism, add, depression, ect...

My ocd is mostly perfectionistic but I also get intrusive undesired thoughts and images that I in no way want to have. Now that I look back I had this when I was a teenager, I would curse god in my mind, not really wanting to but the thought would just pop into my head. And now some very disgusting images/thoughts pop up. It seems the more I try to fight them the more they come. I have realized now that perhaps I need to see these thoughts as something seperate from myself. I don't want these thoughts, so they are not part of me. I should act passively towards them, not embracing them but also not reacting so negatively towards them. If they come I just dont think much about them, like if they were flies passing by. The more I fear them or try to stop them or react to them it seems the more I feed and energize them, the more they come and the stronger they get.

But things are always easier said than done. Let see how it goes. What do you guys think, anybody going through something like this?
Hi Josue, welcome to SPW!

yes our "thinking self" will fill our thoughts, feelings and memories with crap, and yes struggling against it only makes it worse