Hello there


Active member

I´m a 27 year old girl living in Germany and I got a lot of problems with myself like so many out there. If I only knew where those problems come from. I suppose some are born like this while others are created. Anyway, I´ve always been shy and never talked much. When I was a kid I used to have a few good friends but those days are over. Now only one person is left and that person lives on the other side of the atlantic ocean. How pathetic is that? Plus I´ve never even met this person which is going to change next month though. This terrifies me to a great extent since this will cause a lot of problems for me who´s suffering from anxiety issues.
I started to stutter a while ago. Don´t know where that came form all off a sudden. Happens when I´m nervous, which happens a lot, and also when I´m simply talking to co-workers or to my family. I hate being looked at, that´s why I tend not to talk much. I feel ugly and there´s not a single thing about myself I like. I´m insecure, I don´t have much self esteem and most of the time I´m wearing a mask and playing a role. At work I have to focus real hard so I don´t stutter and make a fool out of myself.
I feel lonely most of the time which in the end is my own fault but I don´t know what to do about this. It´s hard to open up and who wants someone who´s got too many issues to cope with? Sometimes I think I don´t have the right to feel this way about myself. There are people with real problems. This makes me feel even worse.
Anyway, to sum it all up: I hate myself for not being able to live like "normal" people do. With friends and relationships and all that. I´ve only talked about those issues once since I don´t want to bore people with my silly pathetic life. Hope I didn bore you people too much. Feel free to send me messages. I´d like to finally talk and listen to people who share the same problems.

Thanks for this forum, it´s good to know that you´re not alone.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Hi Dust! Welcome to SPW. I'm sure you won't bore anyone - most people here will be able to empathise only to well with the issues you describe. Hope you enjoy reading and posting here, and get something positive from the site.


Well-known member
Hello Dust, you are sure to find many people in the same boat here, others might have less anxiety while the rest are more severe, but no disorder fits all. It's good to see you have a purpose in your life, such as with work and with meeting someone in real life, it is easy to just withdraw from society with something so hard to deal with on a daily basis. So dont' beat yourself up for feeling bad and worthless, you are trying and that is the important thing. Hope you gain the support and insight that you seek. :)


Well-known member
Dust, welcome. I agree with ^, you seem to have a very clear sense of where you are and how you are which is really important when it comes to improvement. I think that's a head start =]. I can relate a lot to what you have just said, hating everything about yourself, feeling insecure and ugly, feeling almost alien because of the difficulties of friendship and relationships, and feeling guilty for feeling this way when others have 'real problems'. It may feel like it is all our fault for ending up where we are, but we haven't done this to ourselves. Maybe there was a pattern we fell into in our past due to an out of control or judgmental environment, unaware of the direction we were putting ourselves in we settled with defense mechanisms. We may not have had control over where we have ended up but with the realization of what we have become we can control where we go from here. We deserve to feel real and we deserve help love and care, these insecurities are a real problem. I hope you won't have to wear a mask here :p


Well-known member
Welcome to the site. :)
Can I ask you btw what you mean with 'real problems' ?
I see SA etc as real problems.


Active member
Thank you.

By 'real problems' I mean people being raped, racism, poverty, leukemia, parents who lose their children, people whose belongings are consumed by fire. Things like that really.

Of course SA is a real problem but...I don´t know...sometimes I just think why pitying yourself if there are worse things that could happen to you. At least I have a home, a job and a family. Thinking this way makes me feel guilty though. I guess I just have to learn and understand that I don´t deserve to be anxious and lonely all the time. I feel that there is some sort of an indeterminable rage cooking up inside of me which is a little frightening.

Does this make any sense to you?


Well-known member
Thank you.

By 'real problems' I mean people being raped, racism, poverty, leukemia, parents who lose their children, people whose belongings are consumed by fire. Things like that really.

Of course SA is a real problem but...I don´t know...sometimes I just think why pitying yourself if there are worse things that could happen to you. At least I have a home, a job and a family. Thinking this way makes me feel guilty though. I guess I just have to learn and understand that I don´t deserve to be anxious and lonely all the time. I feel that there is some sort of an indeterminable rage cooking up inside of me which is a little frightening.

Does this make any sense to you?

The main thing that makes you get stuck in a SA loop is negative thinking itself, so you could say that your not so real problem is a problem of negative thinking. So how to stop the pity party when that's the cause of your problem? You could say the real problems that you've listed are external events and diseases that happen out of someone's control. Of course they are horrendous but with the right kind of thinking they are bearable. Problems of the mind are the hardest to conquer. Why do we keep hearing of disabled people, unfortunate people who do a lot with their lives? Mind over body.

Of course there's a rage inside of you. You've been suppressed by your negative mind, it's like having a bully inside your head. People get enraged by real life bullies, it must be worse with one inside that you cannot separate from.


Active member
^ Couldn´t have said it better. I suppose I need to find a way to let it all out before those aggressive thoughts eat me up and spit me out. I like the idea of going to a junkyard smashing a car with a sledgehammer or taking a computer monitor and throw it out of a window.


Well-known member
Hi Dust, welcome to the forum. :) I have many of the insecurites you're experiencing too. *hugs*
HI, Dust....
I'm also in Germany, although I'm not Deutsch!
I can relate to your post. I have all the good stuff in my life, nice family, home, ect and that just makes me beat myself up even more for feeling the way I do...


Active member
Hi Dust, I'm new too, I see SW as a real problem becuase of the limits it places on life, plus if it's something that happens to you it matters even if it's not some of the other things you listed


Active member
I just realised that I forgot the k in thank so thank you again.

I know that this is a real problem but if you can´t really find a reason why you are suffering from those anxiety problems you just sit there and think you don´t have the right to feel this way, you know. Others had to go through a bad childhood or massive bullying. I was bullied too but not as bad as others.

@ bluesavannah

Are you originally from Georgia?