

Hello, I am new here, 18, depression/anxiety getting worse.

I have been depressed for three years, dropped out of college because it was so bad, and have recently started having panic attacks: one of the most frightening experiences I have had in my life and they come one after the other and have been intensifying. I haven't always been this way, and have changed from a socially capable person to this.

For months I went through a phase where I wouldn't be able to talk to anyone about this, but I really want to change that today. I know the first step to recovery is speaking out, so here I am: speaking out.

I am hoping to get to know you all as I get back on my feet.


Well-known member
Welcome, I also suffer from depression/anxiety. Hopefully we'll be on the road to recovery!


Well-known member
If you remember being a "socially capable" person, you have an advantage already! Welcome!


Well-known member
Hello! welcome to SPW. I can relate to what you have said very much. I'm 17 and had two years out of school because my depression and anxiety was really bad. I never made it to college, just the outside of it before having a huge panic attack and never going back. I'll be more than happy to talk to you if you ever want too. :)