Hi all


Active member
Hey everyone, new member here. Guess that's pretty obvious though. I found these forums when I was looking for some way to modify my Drionic to take regular 9-volt batteries. I couldn't believe there was an entire forum devoted to people with HH.

I've struggled with palmar HH since I was a kid. Junior high/High school was the absolute worst time of my life. It's bad enough going through puberty and being the shy kid in class, put sweaty hands on top of that and look out. I didn't even know there was such a condition as HH until a few years ago. It was a major relief to find out that it was simply another crappy thing I inherited (anxiety being the other). I've managed to get through though. Hasn't always been easy; I'm a writer and a musician and neither job is very forgiving when my hands are pouring sweat at the drop of a hat haha.

Typically, I'm not bothered too much by the sweating. I'm nearly 30 and I've kind of grown accustomed to it. But whenever I have a big meeting or a good client to shmooze I use my Drionic a few weeks in advance to avoid any awkward moments of explanations. I considered ETS surgery several years ago, but I'm not willing to risk it. I work from home 90% of the time so I rarely have to shake hands with anyone, thank God. Maintaining dry hands with the Drionic is good enough for me.

Well, enough of my rambling. Glad I found the forum. I'll try not to make a nuisance of myself :p Have a good day all!


Active member
Appreciate the welcome. I've noticed that a majority of the posters here seem to be from the UK and Europe. I wonder if HH is more common among people of European descent. I've only known two other Americans with HH(one being my mother and the other a friend of a friend) but he was 100% Polish while my mother and I are primarily Irish with a little British and German thrown in for good measure.

Now I'm curious. Gonna have to do some research.


Well-known member
Hey welcome.

You know if the drionic works for you, you should consider upgrading to a better machine. Go to RA fischer.com or search iontophoresis device in google. they have more professional machines for sale with warranty's.


Active member
Welcome Rollo! I know what you mean living with HH isn't easy at all. It wasn't until I found this forum where I learned all my options so you've found a good spot! Take care...


Active member
Hey welcome.

You know if the drionic works for you, you should consider upgrading to a better machine. Go to RA fischer.com or search iontophoresis device in google. they have more professional machines for sale with warranty's.

Many thanks to all of you for the warm welcome.

I've actually been doing research on different machines. The Drionic definitely works for me and I would like a better one. Not to sound ungrateful, but the Drionic is rather poorly constructed and the hand position is rather awkward and uncomfortable. My wrists get enough stress as it is with my professions.

So far, I've looked at the Idromed and the Idrostar. I've heard that the pulse current machines are not quite as effective as the direct current machines though so I'm leaning more towards the Idrostar. I'll be sure to look at RA fischer's machines now as well before I make a commitment. I'm sure that any of them would be a vast step up from the Drionic.


Well-known member
I use a idromed GS 4 and its works for me, I really think you should invest in this sort of machine and get rid of your Drionic machine