Hi there!



I'm a 25-year-old female and I've suffered from SA my whole life. Until recently, I was a teacher, but I stopped because it was hell on earth, partly because of SA and partly because I was new to this job and had no idea what I was doing. (Plus the kids are just plain nasty...).

I'm trying to find another job in HR, since that's what I graduated in at uni.

My SA isn't as strong or incapacitating as it used to be but it's been getting worse since I stopped going to work, since I don't go out much.

I hope I'll find some much needed support here, and I'll help in any way I can ;)



Active member
Hello and welcome! I'm also a newbie. Sorry about the teaching job ... I've done a few assistant teaching jobs and whatnot, and I know what you mean. While some kids are great, there always seem to be a few that have no filter and just say whatever nasty thing comes to mind. Hopefully you'll find something better soon!


Thanks guys!
Yup Dragons, some kids are fantastic and some other not so much... But I think I wasn't cut out for this job anyway ^^'