

Active member
I'm a noob here. Just been diagnosed with SAD & depression a couple of months ago. I'm on citalopram currently & seeing a psychologist for help but I thought joining this forum would help me feel less alone & hopefully hear what works for others & maybe share my experiences too.

My story:
Basically I think I've always had this. I was a shy, scared kid. My parents tried to encourage me to be more social by signing me up to as many dance/drama/performance classes as possible. I hated them. I hated school. Teachers called me "painfully shy" and said I was too quiet. Mum & dad always told me everyone feels scared sometimes & that I should just do it anyway. I was terrified of sport, never really any good at it. I ate a lot & became the fat kid at school. I got teased.

In high school I got kicked out of a couple of groups. I guess I always felt awkward. I remember often feeling like I was being watched. There were a few times I got depressed & thought about ending it all. Towards the end of school though I slimmed down & became more popular. I still felt awkward but not as depressed. I got a job in retail & this taught me to deal with people, I didn't like it but I did it anyway & became really good at pretending I was normal. I told myself "fake it till you make it" it worked for a while.

After school I studied a bit of psychology at uni. I didn't like it. I guess deep down I wanted to learn about myself. Also the class environment was intimidating & if I had to do a presentation, I couldn't. I wouldn't. I failed those units.

Then I got into hairdressing. I still didn't know about social anxiety at this point. The salon I was at was quiet with a regular clientele so I got to know people throughout my apprenticeship. This was ok for me but I still had bad days. The pay was not good once I had finished my apprenticeship so I moved salons to a busy mall salon. Needless to say that didn't last long. I had some really bad experiences that I pretty much had a mental breakdown. I would get panic attacks before/during/after work. This was last year.

So I decided to study again at 26. I convinced myself for whatever reason that studying by distance would be my best bet. I now know why haha. I've been getting better grades than I ever got before just because I'm not around people. Only thing is that now I don't see many people. Most of my close friends have moved away or are too busy. This has made my anxiety much worse than it has been in years & I have to work on getting out & meeting new people. It also made me depressed and suicidal earlier in the year. I feel much much better since seeing my doctor for help though. It's so good to finally have a name for this and know I can deal with it. It is a constant struggle though.

So that's my story. Sorry if it went on a bit but I just felt I had to get it out there & if I can't here then where can I? Thank god for the Internet haha.


Active member
Oh & I feel I should say these two points too:
After school I drank a lot. At least once a week to 3 times per week, sometimes drinking till it made me sick. Also dabbled in ecstasy. These things don't help. They make you feel good short term but anxiety much worse in the long run. I'm now working on socialising without the help of substances.

And I also have an amazing boyfriend of 2.5 years. We met online on oasisactive.com. I'm saying this not to brag but because I know some people with SAD struggle with dating and I found that the online method was really helpful. And I have to assume many shy people use it too.


Well-known member
Hey :)

Welcome to the forum! This place'll help with the feelings of loneliness and some people on here give eerily good advice! Enjoy :)


Active member
Thanks for the kind welcomes guys :)
I naturally was paranoid I had written too much & someone would be all like "omg can't believe she's talking so much about herself" lol.
Talking about it (to safe people) helps.