

Well-known member
I have been thinking about Horatio and wondering how is holding up. I have my fingers crossed for him and I'm cheering him on. I am hoping that everything goes so well/perfect for him that he will need to wonder if the SA was just a dream.

Lets all give Horatio a big thumbs up and cheers!!


Maybe all of our combined thoughts will help to give him strength.

I posted this on the "Old Peeps" thread by mistake, too.... :oops:


Well-known member
Yeah me too. I hope all is going well and that even tho SP becomes a distant memory that you do find time to tell us how well its going.



Well-known member
horatio is doing okay :d hes finished one project after working 80-90 hours a week for two or three weeks..it went out on usa tv on tues..havent heard the reviews yet but..it was a tsunami thing..umm..hes a bit lonely cause theres no young people around but i think hes generally holding up okay...i just think itll be okay once he finds a bar or something..i mean a place where he can feel good and meet a couple of people. h is such a great guy, i would love to go hang with him for a weekend but..the otherside of the world...bit far for a few beers really..


Well-known member
Good news!! Thanks for the update!
Geesh... with 80- 90 hours put in a work week, it would be difficult to find any time to meet people or find good places to hang out! :eek:

Hopefully, once he is able to have some spare time to himself, he will find the places and meet the people he needs in his life, too!

Always hoping the very best for him and cheering him on :!:

What a inspiration he is!! YAY HORATIO :!: :)