How did you figure out it was OCD?


Well-known member
I think this might be interesting...

Not everyone has physical compulsions associated with their OCD.. So I'm just wondering.. What steps did you take to figure it out.. and better understand what you were going through?


Well-known member
i had an intrusive thought. i noticed my heart rate went up, i looked at Anxiety, and panic. at first i thought i must have been confused.
Then when the thoughts kept coming i though i had a split personality, and when that didn't check out because i knew i dind't.
i kept reading about anxiety. and one of my friends he's a doctor and gave me a website of an all doctor encyclopedia, he wasn't supposed to let me look, but i begged him, and i noticed that Anxiety was linked to other sicknesses, and i read about OCD and i was sure it was OCD. everything just made sence, my mind, my life everything about me clicked into place.


Well-known member
To be honest, completely random web surfing brought me across the symptoms of OCD and I just said to myself "Oh my god! This is describing me!"


Well-known member
Definitely research on the net. It was difficult for a while because the common stereotype around OCD involves the hand-washing bullshit and going through doorways 3 times etc... I have purely-obsessional OCD which involves no physical compulsions, only mental rituals. Things were pretty bad until I could truly confirm it was OCD; but my mind still tries to convince me otherwise.....