how do you deal with bad news?


Well-known member
because of ocd i over think bad news. Like my co-worker told my friend i was a bad teacher. and for 2 days i have been thinking about it like crazy, it's not important, my students like me. i let them have fun. i try my best to be a good teacher, why does this affect me so much.

a different time, i was on a forum and someone said something rude to me and i never went back to the forum. it affects me so much.


Well-known member
There's nothing wrong with letting younguns have a little fun. Let their final results be the judge of what kind of teacher you are. And if you're brave enough ((I wouldn't be), you'll sneak a glance over at your co-worker's kids' results. I bet they won't be engraved in molten gold.


Well-known member
because of ocd i over think bad news. Like my co-worker told my friend i was a bad teacher. and for 2 days i have been thinking about it like crazy, it's not important, my students like me. i let them have fun. i try my best to be a good teacher, why does this affect me so much.

a different time, i was on a forum and someone said something rude to me and i never went back to the forum. it affects me so much.

well that co-worker sucks.he/she is probably jealous or has so many issues and saying bad words for someone makes him/her feel better.don't even try to bother with that kind of ppl.what they need is to ignore them.and since your students like you it means that your are doing a good job!there is noone better to provide you feedback of how your teaching is other than your students.

As for the forums,it's easy for ppl to just sit behind a pc screen and write bad staff thinking that they rule the world.i dont think they r so brave in real life though...