how do you feel about "getting help"?


Well-known member
last week, i set up an appointment to meet with my medical doctor and ask him a few questions. a few weeks ago, i dropped out of the college i was attending because the school is mainly about networking, and well... it got to a point where i felt like i was wasting $30,000 a year in student loans to feel like a social reject, but enough about that. my doctor misunderstood me completely and thinks that i am experiencing a "situational adjustment disorder" and referred me to a local mental health psych that specializes in that. What do you do when this happens???? Has something like this ever happened to you?


Well-known member
I think you should see an actual therapist that actually understands whats going on. A medical doctor isn't qualified in this kind of field usually.

As for the situation with the misunderstanding,it might be worth your time to go, just to hear what he has to say and see if he can reference you to the right place.


Well-known member
It's better to visit a therapist or a mental health counselor as a regular doctor is usually just bound to prescribe you anti depressants.


I really wish I could go see a therapist myself, but I'm too afraid to tell my parents about my problem.


Well-known member
i also feel too afraid to tell my parents or anyone outside of my bubble (my girlfriend and one friend) of my OCD.
and i am afraid to se a theripist because i think it is OCD, but i am a little scared he will say something like " it's not OCD, you have mad cow, you are going to die"

i will go to a doctor when i go back to canada, But until then i am alone. . .