How has HH affected your life?


Well-known member
So I have been sitting around today and just reflecting back on my life, these are usually thoughts that make me extremely depressed. It started because I am 23 years old and am looking at eventually having to leave college and go and get a job. I started imagining what life will be like having a full time career, barely any friends, and no female relationships outside of one female friend. I then started to think about the lack of female relationships I have had in my life. I am 23 years old and still have not had sex, this really makes me feel bad. The not having sex part doesn't make me feel all that bad, the fact that I haven't even tried is what gets me down the most.

I get really down on myself for my lack of friends, social life and girls. I then realized that the reason for all of these things are because of my hands sweating. I have no friends because I make the decision to not have any friends, I just cannot deal with giving people high fives and shaking peoples hands so I make the choice to just limit the number of people I hang out with.

I then realize that the reason I have no social life is because I have no friends and because I cannot stand going out in public with my sweaty hands.

I then realize that I have/ had no girls because my hands make it near impossible for me to have any confidence in myself into establishing a relationship with a girl. I don't go out socially because the only reason I would want to go out socially is to meet girls. But since I know that I will never act on an urge to meet a girl at the bars or where ever I just make the decision to not even go out. What really is the point to going out with a specific goal in mind but already knowing that there is a Zero percent chance of acting on my goal?

I know it is not too late to start to live my life, but there is just no way I can live the life that I want with my hyperhidrosis. I could accomplish anything if I had dry hands. I would have immense confidence in myself. I could get any job that I wanted, I could be with girls that I like or find attractive, I could have friends and lead a normal social life. But all of this will never happen and that really saddens me. This is something that makes me feel so helpless.

I think the fact that I have never had a relationship with a girl is the biggest thing that the HH has done to my life. It makes me feel awful that I have never felt love for a girl and felt her love for me. That I have never had someone who in a world of millions of guys only wanted to be with me.

What about you guys/girls? How does HH affect your lives? What is the single thing that HH has kept you from doing that brings you down?


Well-known member
I'm can really relate to your situation, except I don't let it get me depressed. Maybe I have just come to accept a lifestyle that does not include many close relationships. If you really want to meet girls and have more friends and the only thing that is holding you back is HH, you can do it. From what I have learned, most people don't really care if you have sweaty hands. I know it is extremely uncomfortable for us, and we think about it all the time, but no one else is thinking about your hands. Yes, if you shake their hand, they might notice, but it is very temporary, and in the big picture, it's not a big deal.