How have you improved?


Do any of you feel like you have improved with regards to your social anxiety and in what ways?

I feel like I've improved heaps since high school, attending a youth group has really helped. But I'm still stuck in that darn old pattern of only talking to my good friends and basically ignoring people I've known for ages. But yeah in this topic I want to concentrate on the going forward, how we've each improved!

I would have to say I'm a lot better at looking people in the eye's now, well most of the time. Still really hard with girls and when talking about delicate subjects.

As with initiating conversations with people, I know it sounds weird but I was proud of myself how the other day I tapped some old school mates on the shoulder and said hello. Why I can't greet people using their names I will never know!


Well-known member
even if i have many things that are very hard to do, looking back 3 years when i was 17 i can really tell that i improved a lot! by some "forceful" mean i admit, but i have to be grateful, if i have the semi functional life i haven't in high school today it's because i had to improve!

yet, i wish to do better! i wish to be able to do things, without thinking that wrong, without stoping myself because the torturing toughts, i wish not to avoid living anymore!

i want to live my life to the fullest , and that's because i struggle, i think that's because i ever did.


Well-known member
i used to not have any friends. i used to not be able to talk to strangers. i used to be completely silent unless spoken to.

i have some friends now. they arent great, but theyre ok. i have less trouble talking to strangers and i can make small talk. i feel more confident in initial conversations.

my biggest improvement is that i realize i have a problem and im doing something about it.

ive improved enough but not enough to be satisfied, or happy. thats my goal.


Well-known member
yeah . ,maan this is such a nice topic ,i aways wanted to see how other peoples are improving too.
,oh maan a lot of things.
i dont remember ,i wrote in a journal to not forget ,but i dont think i wrote it all ,so i'm not even gonna look for it to write here , i think i'm gonna do another one ,when i order some meds. but this is a nice topic


Well-known member
I'm talking to people on this forum that's something i would not do on any forum or in real life except for a few relatives. As far as I'm concerned that's a big step for me, just talking, and it has made me feel better by leaps and bounds. :)


yet, i wish to do better! i wish to be able to do things, without thinking that wrong, without stoping myself because the torturing toughts, i wish not to avoid living anymore!

change your negative perception of yourself and don't put others on a pedestal. put yourself on that pedestal and love yourself, then others will love you too.

we're all created equal, so why act like you're different. no one is better than you, we're all trying to live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
I go to restaurants nowadays..never would have so much as set foot in them just a handful of years ago...a few weeks ago I dined alone in one..not big deal to most im sure..but it was a first for me in a long long time....I go alot of places that i always avoided in the past & have really branched out actually. Im much much better then I was years ago in many ways...both phisical & mental.
Before I came to college I thought this was gonna be the same deal as high school. I thought I was gonna have no friends, and even though I was hoping for a first kiss I was pretty sure it wouldn't happen..

But since I came here I've made a couple friends, I can talk to people more easily, I've even made out with TWO girls :D and did it with one of them hehe..I'm still incredibly shy though and experience lapses every now and then but you can only have a lapse if you've made progress!

I'm getting better every day and I'm glad to hear you all are too!


Well-known member
freestylemonster said:
I've even made out with TWO girls :D and did it with one of them hehe..
congratulations! lmao :lol:

i wouldnt say i improved myself...but lately ive had some dumb luck lol.