How late do you stay up?


Well-known member

I'm 57 yo old now and I suppose that may make some difference. When I was younger--teens through my 40s, I was never a night person. But, more recently I find I'm up until 3:00 to 5:00 AM. Occasionally I get to bed earlier, but that's very rare. I sleep quite well, all things considered. I've always slept a lot, at least if I had the time to do so. I know many SPics and those suffering from depression often have insomnia...I'm the opposite in that I sleep a lot to escape even during the day. Whatever medications I may be on at any given time makes a big difference as well.


Active member
I have a hard time getting to bed before 2am. And recently I've been lying awake until 4am. On the weekends when I don't have to force myself to get to bed, I'll sometimes stay up until the sun comes up.


Active member
In the last year or so i have found myself going to bed later and later, usually around 1 am.

This is so i don't lay awake for hours thinking myself into a suicidal depression lol i have a tendancy to do that, even if i go to bed in a good mood or even if nothing "bad" has happened that day.

I find if i go to bed later, i fall asleep more quickly, therefore anxiety doesn't plague my dreams.

Down side is i rarely dream anymore (at least not dreams i remember or that have any significance.)