How many years have you lost?


Well-known member
umm i have never really 'lived' like a normal person lives so ive wasted most of my 35 now and continue to basically waste my life as i get very little enjoyment out of it.i see things as more of a chore to do than not sure what to change so i just puttter thru every day.

any agoraphobic has wasted away alot of their life, like it or not..i dont care how your therapist tries to get you to spin it, living as a complete hermit is a waste.


Well-known member
like others have said, to actually 'live' is something i dont know how to do..i can mimic a normal persons life but still feel empty and blank.


Well-known member
Probably about 8 years. I'm 18 and I've never been to a friends house, only had about 1 real friend, and I've never been to a party. I've already lost my teen years, but I'm hoping I can save my 20's, which are supposed to be the second best after teen years.


Well-known member
It was off and on. I'd say that to the point that I've actually noticed it & been aware of it, one or two years. But before that I was having anxiety attacks and stuff, so I can't really say


Well-known member
I'm making up for lost time. Scared that another crash and burn is just around the corner. Thankful for the last three great years bu hopeful it can continue. Able to see the good even in the darkest times so even those times were not a complete loss.


Active member
5 years probably...the last of all my teen years :(
I felt so alive once. I try to be happy but it's no longer if I'm doing something i don't want to and then that's what i want to do most -be normal and happy.. something that comes from within..
its only now that i feel like my life has some direction and im pushing 28. depression and anxiety hit me like a train at 17 and i went from social anxiety to agrophobic to panic attacks and extreme hyperchondria mixed with bouts of extreme depression. all these things make it hard for you to really make a life for yourself whether it be relationships, friends, education and careers and i trust many people here have been through similar things. meds have helped me get my life back on track along with a more mature outlook on life.
so all in all ive lost close to a decade probably. unfortunately a decade when most people seem to develope in the important areas in life. the only thing im grateful for is years of anxiety and depression have numbed me to life so i rarely take anything in life too seriously now and realise its a meaningless and brief journey. which i strangely take comfort in.
I lost my teenage years. But ofcourse i had fun while playing games, celebriting holidays, and some other stuff which i consider as no wasted time.


Well-known member
All my teenage years and most of my twenties I guess. Losing the teenage years doesn't bother me so much, but having lost most of my twenties just sitting around on my own is not something I like to think about.