I am new...And scared!


New member
Hey Everyone,
My name is Sarah and I have recently been diagnosed with OCD and Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I am very sick. I am afraid to leave my house and I am only 19. As far as school goes, I am in my 3rd semester in college and most of my classes are online because I feel too much anxiety when I go to class. I count EVERYTHING in sight... I have been doing this ever since i can remember. I have to wash my hands ten times before I get in the shower and ten times before i leave my house. The list could go on and on... but I need help. I have panic attacks on a daily basis and it is normal for me to feel like my heart is going to beat out of my chest. I am so scared that I am never going to become anything because i am so scared to do anything at all. I never go out with any of my friends and I fear that they will judge me if I tell them what I am going through.
Although it has only been a few months since i was diagnosed, I have been obsessive compulsive my whole life. i have day irrational fears ever since i can remember,
I just want someone to give me some advice on how to lead a normal life... i feel like i am so alone in the world. Help!


Well-known member
I think that everyone feels alone at some point (or perhaps many points). Are you doing any type of treatment? Although this board is useful, I think that there is only so much it can do for you. Good luck!


New member
visit doctor

Hi Shara,

I understand your feeling. I suggest you to find a OCD doctor in your area. If you can send me an email, I can forward a doctor's email to you. my email address is [email protected]

Best regards.
