I don't know how to get help... I'm scared of doctors!


I know this may sound stupid, but how can I go about getting help for my social problems, when the thought of even picking up the phone to call to find out how to see a doctor makes me panic?

I've got a horrible phone phobia, and mixed with my fear of the white coats :p , I just can't bring myself to find out how to get help.

Anyone have some advice on how you actually got to the point of getting help, and how you got the "balls" enough to do it?

Makaylee :)


Well-known member
I have issues with the phone too :roll:

If there is anyone close to you that you can confide in, maybe ask them to phone for you and accompany you to the docs.

If this isn't possible, why not write a letter, you might feel a bit daft but if you can kill two birds with one stone that way. Not only can you arrange an interview (the letter will be seen only by the doctor and s/he will arrange the appointment with the reception clerk) but you can also write down why you want to make the appointment and why you couldn't phone. Explain all your symptoms and problems and worries on paper. It beats doing it face to face and you can say exactly what you want without forgetting stuff. It would help the doctor to get to know you as a patient as well. They wont mind at all if you do it this way.


Well-known member
Hehe i had my mother call and am going to force my stupid self to go to my first therapist appointment.


Thanks for the replies. :D

Wow, the thought of writing a letter actually makes me nervous... How weird... :oops:

I think I'm going to try getting my mother or my BF to make the calls for me, but they are almost as bad as I am about the phone!

Maybe I'll just suck it up, and make the calls myself today, before I can think about it... Panic attacks, BE DAMNED! (I probably won't, but that sounded good, didn't it??? :wink: )



Well-known member

i like yourself, could not go to the doc.

but it struck in my head.

if i did not go to the doc, i would not be able to get help.

meaning, its a life dead end.

by hook or crook, i went ahead, although i stuttered and made a complete ass out of myself.

a trademark from NIKE

Just Do It.

thats where i get my motivation from.