I have to give a speech


Well-known member
I am shaking just typing this...I have social anxiety pretty bad...I have to give a speech on Wednesday (and one on Thursday) and I'm terrified. I can't make eye contact with the audience and people stare at me like I'm a freak while I'm blushing and shaking and stuttering..I get points off my grade BECAUSE I HAVE A MENTAL DISORDER...it's kind of unfair. I'm so nervous and I hate feeling like this...I just ordered this natural anti-anxiety supplement that i'm going to take before I go so hopefully that will work...do you all have to give speeches and do you get terrified beforehand??


ah i know the feeling. its something that everybody perhaps has to do in their life, but its a great feeling of relief afterwards. perhaps try work yourself upto it starting from today, ask friends or family to watch while you do a speech and carry that confidence through to your speech on wed.

ill bet half the other people doing it are probs equally as scared, nobody really cares what you look like doing a speech theyll probably be too focussed on themselves.


Well-known member
Just have the realistic view that the vast majority of the audience are on your side.They really will be,their sympathy will be with you as they know how difficult it can be for you.Feel the good love vibes coming from your audience.There will be some immature exceptions,don't worry about them,the vast majority are on your side.

You don't have to make eye contact with individuals.Look at the audience without focusing your eyes sharply on them.You could look at something at the back of the room,whilst appearing to look at the audience.Just scan the audience from left to right now and again.If you're reading from pages you only have to glance at the audience now and again anyway.

If you can really focus an what you are doing this can help too-it reduces the chances of self conscious/anxiety type thoughts coming to mind.So really be focused on what you are saying.

Check out some relaxation books/sites e.g. on progressive relaxation techniques.If you take some time for relaxation on a regular basis you should find a difference in your life.

These are some things that help me to be less anxious in some situations and did help me when I had to make a wedding speech.

Good luck...we're on your side.


Well-known member
I'd certainly agree with the advice above about avoiding eye-contact. Point your eyes in tyhe direction of the audience without actually focusing. Suddenly making eye-contact with someone can give a pang of anxiety, so practise when out in shops/busy streets looking at crowds of people without actually focusing on anyone.

Also, it may be comforting to know that giving a speech is often listed by people as their number one fear, which means people actually fear it more than death.

In other words, don't feel bad that your anxious. Everyone knows that giving a speech will be difficult for you and so will be sympathetic to any nervousness you emit. And if other people are giving speeches the same day, many of them will be feeling equally anxious.

I remember reading one tip about giving a speech. An audience will be far more forgiving of somone showing nerves than they'll be of someone standing there sounding bored. So, try to focus on sounding passionate and enthusiastic rather than focusing on how to stop yourself looking nervous.


Well-known member
Practise and practise until you know the speech inside out. That way you're less likely to forget parts, so you won't start stumbling and getting anxious half way through.


Well-known member
i agree with the fellows who've already posted. dont' make eye contact and realize that probably no one wants to do this. chances are that they won't even be paying attention. i never did.

also, remember to breathe!! if you're all tense, you're more likily to freak. stay calm, and remember that it's all in your head


Well-known member
All good speech makers just look up at regular intervals and scan the audience,never focusing on one person.I've heard that picturing the audience naked can help.Any time i have had to speak publicly it felt like an out of body experience,as though i was standing next to myself listening.


Well-known member
that's exactly how i feel! i always feel like i'm dreaming, or like i'm not really there... is that an adrenaline high? i dunno


Active member
picturing pple naked WILL NOT work it'll just distract you, if ur a bloke anyway. Could be rather embarrasing discussing the holocaust with a boner :eek: