I may have found something that works


Well-known member
I have extremely bad hyperhidrosis and have tried literally everything but surgery. A few weeks ago, I read this post about sea salt for hyperhidrosis: http://www.socialphobiaworld.com/finally-im-not-sweating-40624/

I bought these sea salt supplements because they were the only kind I could find that contained celtic sea salt: Wild Salt Caps 90 Vegie Capsules by North American Herb and Spice

I think they might actually be working. Normally, my hands drip with sweat, but now when they sweat it is either just damp or a little clammy and I have gone hours with no sweat.

Also, this person said that progesterone helped to stop her hyperhidrosis. Has anyone else stopped their hyperhidrosis by using progesterone cream?


Well-known member
Be careful you don't cause long term damage to your kidneys. If you start to have extreme thirst and/or back pain, cease intake and go talk to a doctor to get your bloods done. There are safer ways to combat HH, and longterm high intake of salt is crazy.