I Need Help....I, I just don't know what's going on....


Hey guys, I'll preface this post with a short bio. I'm currently a 20 year old male with a problem that I never thought I'd have...I don't think it's severe but I feel it's on its way there.

First off, I feel like I always have low energy, I don't know if this is biological or psychological (or both). I can't explain it but one thing I do know for sure is I hate it with a passion. I think the mental aspect severally limits the physical aspect of myself and causes me to constantly feel depressed.

With school for instance, I feel like it's not helping me in terms of achieving my goals, I'm sort of just sliding forward (albeit getting good grades) but I just feel like all the work I'm putting in is useless. I'm sort of a secular thinker in a way and I constantly hate the fact that I'm forced to learn things I know I'll never use in the future. It's the way I am with many things, and I'm sure that line of thinking may have its benefits somewhere else...but in this case it's terrible. I also feel like I never live up to my full potential, like I can do and say so much more during school and class, but I don't...and when I don't I feel like crap, which snowballs all the other problems I'm having.

Or it could just be with someone at my school that I like but can't find the courage to 'act' normal around. It's like some kind of evolutionary compulsion to act stiff and weird, which is unusual because that's not how I normally act (except, of course, in the above example of speaking up during class). In a way, I sort of wish I didn't have these feelings towards this person [that I like] because I feel it makes me awkward to the point of avoiding them (and from what it seems, it's like they're avoiding me because I do act differently around them, much more differently, could just be cognitive dissonance on my part but I don't know). I'm normally not shy and could speak up and have a conversation with anyone (or make a speech and not get nervous), but not around this person, it makes me look like such a tool.

And I'm not done, because there's like so many things I want to do in life...but feel I'm overwhelming myself, but then I get thoughts that it's simply my way of procrastinating. I know that I want to lose some weight/get in shape and do a bunch of other 'selfhelp-related' things, however I feel I keep making excuses and have a severe lack of energy that literally makes me angry. Like I said I always feel overwhelmed...

The sad part is I feel like I have all this potential and I'm constantly not living up to it. I also feel if I try to hard I'll get overly exhausted and get even more sluggish. I really don't know what to do, I mean do I just start small or do I just go cold-turkey and simply change everything at once? I'm just afraid of failing and going back to square one. And what I do about the person I really like at school, I don't necessary want to "ask them out", I just want to be friends with them and not act like such a awkward weirdo. The one thing I don't want is this attachment (in terms of attraction) to stick with this person, I want to simply see them as 'another person', because not only do I want to act normal but I also don't want to be in a position where I can't have something I really wanted, and thereby get extremely depressed. I hate having an attachment I have little to no control over, absolutely cant stand it.

And what can I do about the severe lack of energy I constantly have? It's embarrassing, it drives me crazy, I mean, where do I start? Perhaps some light jogging with my favorite music, I really don't know, I don't know where to begin, it really makes me feel like crap.


Well-known member
The lack of energy is probably mental, not physical. You need to find a way to combat your mental depression to get rid of the physical issues. Or all this might be physical, such as a thyroid problem. You should probably go to a doctor to try to find out which is the issue (I warn you, thyroid tests are not very reliable), which will tell you how to fix it. If not, at least get help from your parents or a teacher.


New member
Jeez, you sound so much like I did! I got so disconnected that I ended up getting kicked out of school (just as my sister entered the same college, we were supposed to room together). I found solace in the World of Warcraft, because there I felt like I was getting somewhere and achieving something.

First thing I would suggest is seeing a counselor. There are some state payment programs for students and low-income people if you're worried about that. See if there is a counseling center on campus. It's the best thing I ever did. However, I did have counselors in the past who weren't so great. So, if your counselor makes you feel worse after your session, stop seeing them! I just kept going to the one I was with, because I was so afraid of personal backlash and all that. Stupid depression. The one I have now is a lot of fun, and she keeps tabs on me, and pushes me in the right direction whenever I start falling off the track.

The other thing that helped me was medication. Effexor works for me, but it made a friend of mine completely loopy when she was on it, so tread lightly. I know, everyone has horror stories about depression medication, but this is one happy one! I'm back in school, and I passed every class last semester. I'm pretty stoked. The medicine really clears my mind. Before I started taking it, I didn't have any energy, I felt like I was drowning inside my own head. Every thought took energy to get to. I wouldn't have even been able to type this message. I hope you don't get that bad!

It sounds like it could be a seratonin imbalance, and I doubt you feel like exercising to get your seratonin levels up! Medicine can be a step for you to take, until you feel like exercising. Then you can ween yourself off if you feel like it. Let your counselor know about this, and they can keep tabs on your reaction to the medicine, suggest alternatives, etc.

I still feel like I am not living up to my full potential, and I still have major insecurity issues, but they are issues I can look at and analyze and work on now. Being 20, you are probably still in intro classes. Once you are able to hone in on what you want to do and stop taking gen eds, it will be a lot better, trust me.

About the person you are crushing on and feel weird around, don't sweat it, hun. That's completely natural, and I do the same thing. 'Course, I am a mess, so I just stay away from most girls, lol!