I really want everything to end


Well-known member
I feel unfit for this life. I’m basically failing life. I’m irritated just being in this useless damaged body.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I feel unfit for this life. I’m basically failing life. I’m irritated just being in this useless damaged body.

Aye, same here, sadly. :sad:

Been huvin' the same thoughts n' feelings masel'. Sorry, ah know that doesnae really help things.

Am no' great when it comes tae advice n' sayin' helpful reasurin' things when ah feelin' the same way. Is there anythin' ye can focus on tae take yer mind off this feelin'? Just a suggestion... :idontknow:
I know how you feel, Andsorry. It sucks feeling out of sync with the rest of the world, and helpless to do something about it.

But no matter what - there's nobody more useless, than somebody that isn't in use. As long as you simply endure, stick around and bide your time, there's hope for you yet.


Pirate from the North Pole
I'm sorry to be so optimistic (I'm starting to be unfit to this forum), but a damaged body CAN be restored, especially if you're under 40, it just needs some serious commitment. And once your body is restored, it's easier to get your life on the track that you choose, again with some serious commitment.


Well-known member
I feel unfit for this life. I’m basically failing life. I’m irritated just being in this useless damaged body.

I feel the same way. Nothing is gonna change in my life I was born broken and can never be fixed I'm using thinking about taking my life nothing like a cry out for help crap trying to take own life im thinking killing spree I have been step on and shat on my whole life and nothing is gonna change there's no way out I just don't fit into life I'm better off just leaving this world I can't live how I was born I'm just to much of a laughing stock truly am


Well-known member
I feel unfit for this life. I’m basically failing life. I’m irritated just being in this useless damaged body.

Like many who are suffering with chemical imbalances, psychological torments, and anxiety, I also feel for you, and know that it can't be easy what you are going through. The only thing that I can recommend is that you try seeing a psychiatrist like I did. There is medications out there that can relax the brain and can give needed Serotonin and Dopamine chemicals to the brain. That's not to say that every problem will just then magically disappear, because that's not the case. I believe there will always be a fight to fight in this life, and that through hard work, therapy, mental conditioning, love, etc. I think that as long as we are trying, things will eventually get easier and easier, because the unfailing principle of life is that you get what you put into it. I wish you success in achieving the health of your mind that you are seeking. I too am struggling with a chemical imbalance, but medication has helped to a certain degree. It has restored those missing chemicals, and has allowed me to be a little bit more in sync with everything, and not so much of a recluse. Don't give up, know that we are all in the same situation, and that as a team, we should strive to support one another, and endure until the end, until the final conclusion is determined.


It might be helpful to talk it out...
Life can be difficult and lonely, but there is always someone willing to care and to listen to you.


Well-known member
I can so much relate right now, but things can always get better. In all seriousness, life will be easier, you might have to just try really hard.


Well-known member
Yeah, I feel the same way sadly. At the moment I'm on medication and it helps me but I still get sad and depressed from time to time. Don't give up quite yet, life is a long winding road and every now and than we do get lost. You're not alone on these thoughts though, maybe journaling will help you out in some degree.


Active member
I agree with Shy_Dreamer83.
Are you on medication? Or are you doing something else for yourself? Medication helped me a great deal.

Either way, hang in there. We're all pretty much in the same boat. You can change your life, it just takes time and little steps.


Well-known member
Listen I've been there, I have attempted to end my life quite a few times. I know all of the things that people can say can get to you when you feel like this, like it gets better, life goes on, you just need to hang in there, talk to someone. All of that? Yeah it used to drive me insane. But honestly? Now that I'm getting help and am actually doing better I can see that those people had a point, it doesn't feel so hopeless atnd crappy. I don't feel that same negativity. I'm not saying it's all perfect, but it's better than it was. And I can actually life live without feeling like it's impossible to breathe every day. And this happened because I reached out to people, I told them I couldn't take it anymore and I needed SOMETHING to change. The fact that you're actually on here telling us about it is a good sign. Why give up when there's a whole lot of potential in life? Hell I thought I was the most pathetic, worthless, waste of space that ever existed, I never thought I'd get anywhere, and I was wrong. So trust me when I say, you can always come back from this. I don't know your situation but that doesn't mean that I don't realize that you can come back from anything, it's just going to take time and a painful amount of effort, but it's worth it. So please reach out to someone before you do anything, if you plan on doing anything. Hey even if you just want to message me, please do. If not at least reach out to SOMEONE anyone. If I can manage to make it in life ANYONE can. Ok?
Same here. Pretty much all hope is gone now. HOPE is a BIG thing - with it you can possibly overcome all or most obstacles, but without even hope, all is pointless imho.


Well-known member
I’ve done the therapy sessions, but I felt the therapist would rather spend time talking about themselves than addressing my issues. Medications don’t work for me as I quickly build up a resistance to them. I’m trying another alternative, but it doesn’t feel like time is on my side at the moment. I feel like when I express my feelings of depression it’s seen as me being whinny and complaining. These days’ people seem more interested in dealing with people with real disorders.