I shouldve been a jerk


Well-known member
If only I had been a jerk in the old schoolyard. Teased other kids, punched THEM in the face, being part of the crowd picking on some other kid instead of being the one targeted by everyone because I refused to be a jerk and join them picking on someone else. If only I had been a jerk at school then I wouldve had friends like they all did.

Socialphobia is completely MY fault for not being a jerk. It was completely in my control and I fucked up my life for good by not being a jerk.

If I was a jerk then other guys would want to hang out with me and be my friends. For whenever I see a jerk, he is in company.

If I was a jerk then girls would be all over me. Cause although females dont admit it, they love Jerks and would rather be with a Jerk than a caring guy.

If only I had been a jerk all these years then I wouldnt be 22 and never been on a date.

Girls always go for the kind of guy who would be the first to put me down. Just like gorillas, thats what girls are like... they always go for the big hairy guy who flashes his chest lots and beats up all the other males. the fact that he is fucking all the other gorilla chicks in the pack doesnt make a difference to them, they prefer to be fucked around by a Jerk. thats what girls want, wether they admit it or not. sure people can say otherwise but Im not stupid, I have two eyes, I see how the world goes round.

I wish I could go back to the start of my life and erased who I am today and be a jerk instead. Then I wouldnt be in this lonely hole.


Well-known member
I can sort of see your point. I wonder where these jerks are now. Probably doing the jobs we wouldn't do. But in any case, you're 22 now, jerks can't screw around with you any more. Don't let them disrespect you now, your not a kid any more. I know if the same kid who punched or bullied me in school tried to do that now, would he be in for a suprize..

20 and never dated either


Well-known member
Okay i understand where your coming from, the jerks were always more popular and had all the girls.
but do you really think if you were a jerk things would be different?
I mean i always come off as a bitch because of my SP and that never changed anything, people still did the same things, said the same things, were mean and evil. I dont know maybe its different for guys.
and for the statement you made about all girls wanting jerks is not true. i woud say most girls want jerks but not all, and really im not just saying that.... but then again ive never been in a relationship so who knows.

Ive never been on a date and im 20 (just thought i would add that)


Well-known member
Oh please!

You are who you are. The sooner you accept yourself the better. It seems that at 22 you've still got a high school mentality where everything is set to black and white. You label with such proficiency, but I've yet to understand what your problem is. Perhaps I've missed something here, but there's a whole lot of moaning and very little clarity.

Sure a lot of us here lack maturity and have been slower to develop social and coping skills, but I'm pretty sure most of us left high school gladly behind!

For starters please explain how starting your life would change a thing? What would you do differently (none of that jerk crap please)?

Nice bit of poetry there. :)


Well-known member
my problem is that Ive never recovered from high school, and am still the lonely wreck on the outside of society as I was then. I still have the same lack of social skills and I people my age still make fun of me and/or exclude me as they did back in the high school days.

The problem is that I am very very lonely, so lonely that every day I contemplate taking a cliff jumping expedition to make the lonliness go away. (Who knows, I might meet sumone on the way down... see I can still be optomistic =p )

The reason I think of high school so much now is that through counselling, doctors visits etc I have been made aware that my condition (socialphobia/depression/lonliness) almost completely stems DIRECTLY from the way I was treated during my school years. I know that it doesnt take a rocket scientest (or overpaid "psyciatrist" for that matter) to draw the conclusion that such treatment can cause the said illnesses/problems but for some reason I had never really come to that conclusion. I had always just thought I was a loser and socialphobia was just a manifestation of my own pathetic personality and thats why noone wanted anything to do to me.

Hence the fact that recently I have been thinking more about school, what happened there, how I shouldve acted etc. I came to the conclusion that the jerks at school were easily the ones that came out best. Sure a few are in jail, one is a drag queen but on the whole they are confident, self assured and succesful in their lives. And girls love them just as much now as they did when they were jerks in the schoolyard. Some things just dont change, those guys are still jerks, they still make fun of others, sure they might not resort to violence as often but they still act like they are superior to others, they still cheat on their many girlfriends and treat them like dirt. And most surprisingly, girls who are now women still absolutely adore them for it.

I know its wrong to generalise but from my experience and observations I think its accurate to say that "Girls have and always will be more attracted to jerks instead of non-jerks." and also "I wouldnt be as lonely or unhappy as I am now if I went back in time and acted like a jerk then maybe by now I wouldve perfected the art of being a jerk and I would have plenty of girls to choose from and more party invitations than I could accept."

oh well, its silly anyway, I cannot go back in time and change things. So I should just accept my place in this world and take it or leave it at that.


Well-known member
Well I apologise for the abrupt comments above, but labels bother me. So how were you treated during school? Can you mention some of the incidents that most affected your SP?

See I can tell you exactly what mine were, but only because I no longer care so much about them. They're quite laughable looking back at them now.
1. Shit my pants in year 2. Never forgot that one.
2. Fighting and hurting a classmate. I had no friends after that.[changed schools that year]
3. Forgot to dig a hole and cover my turd whilst on camp. Much interrogation went on after this, though I never owned up! :)
4. Being made to dance on stage in see through tights and period.
5. Numerous plays where I managed to look stupid every time.
6. Fight with art teacher in front of the whole class.
7. Refusing to go to all highschool dances and being quizzed as to why.

As you can see most of my issues were personal and minor, I was never really bullied. If I was it was the short ones that picked on me - funny how it works eh? But I was shy right from the beginning really and I don't recall anything that made me this way in particular. I only realised I was different was when the teacher in year 3 told someone to include me in their group as I was shy.

So what would truly make you happy then? What does your life consist of now? You have family, yes? Can you explain this or get any help from them? Another thing, what triggers your school memories? Do you find you're often in contact with others from school?

You can't change the past, but you can include aspects of change within your life. I'm not much of an optimist, but I do believe that small changes here and there can help at the very least your mood temporarily.


Well-known member
It's the same for guy, they like bitch woman, the more bitch they are the more guys will attracted to them (even guys with mentally problem/SP), i am 26 women and don't have boyfriend all my life.


Well-known member
JWH said:
Well I apologise for the abrupt comments above, but labels bother me. So how were you treated during school? Can you mention some of the incidents that most affected your SP?

well school life kinda sucked for me from age 8 1/2 when I moved towns and went to a new school, right through until I left at age 16 (even though I was getting A+ grades because I couldnt handle it)

examples of the kinda things that effected my self esteem and socialphobia are the following...

1: Physical punching. For those 8 years of my life I had permanent bruises on my upper arms and body. They only went away during the summer holidays the rest of the time they were always there from being punched on average 20 times a day.

2. Having things thrown at me in front of a group of my peers. I was at a combined gender school and some of my worse memories are from when I was around 15 years old... with a large group of my peers around me, both boys and girls. The girls laughing as the guys threw apples at me, held me down and forced a steaming hot mince pie over my face till it burned me, throwing chairs at me etc.

3. Name Calling/Verbal Abuse. Yes I know that sounds tame but if you hear "Your a fucking loser" a million times and never hear ANYONE say otherwise then it kinda gets stuck inside you before you realise it.

4. Having a metal compass stabbed through my hand.

5. Spending ages on a model diarama for a social studies project and having it trashed/parts stolen.

6. Having soda poured over me in front of my peers.

7. Have guys hold me down so girls could kick me between my legs.

8. Riding home on my bike and being pushed into incoming traffic. Riding home on bikeand having brick thrown at me from passing car of fellow students, brick hitting my head (lucky I was wearing a helmet) knocking me off bike.

9. Having a "gang" of about 20 of my school peers blockade my driveway for hours at a time. Heckling abuse at anyone who came to my place (parents, parents friends etc) I just remember hiding under my bed for hours hearing them yelling and throwing stuff until the police sirens scared them away.

10. Being invited into a group of guys to play rugby in school break. Being so excited thinking that I was invited out to play!!! Then having my hopes shattered when I realised whenever I got the ball BOTH teams would tackle me. Then decided to pass ball everytime I got it so they decided just to hold me down and take turns punching me.

11. Having my nice new BMX bike trashed in the school yard.

12. One particular account when I was being beaten up inside the classroom while the teacher was out and on this particular occasion I had enough and started crying. always regretted it and after that moment only ever cried in my bed.

13. Being ambushed outside the school gates and then couldnt get home because they had blocked the road and kept beating me up so all bloodied and bruised I had to bike back to school. The principal had to give me a ride home in his car, I felt so humiliated.

14. Being urinated on.

15. Having my pants pulled down in front of a group of peers.

16. Sexually disturbing accusations in front of my peers on a regular basis.

17. Being in a life skills class where the class was watching a video on bullying and how victims sometimes commit suicide. The class started laughing during the video, when the teacher asked why they said how the victim was a loser just like I was and how I too should kill myself.

18. Attempting suicide at age 15 and being blackmailed by someone at school who found out about it.

19. Wedgies.. a particulary embarrasing maneouvre involving a larger person grabbing my pants from the behind and lifting me off the ground by them then dumping me. Sometimes my shorts ripped in half due to this treatment. Very funny in cartoons or movies but damn humiliating when it happens to you with a dozen or so people laughing at you.

20. Being threatened with a knife at school

21. Having a group of guys bring BB Guns (firearms that shoot plastic pellets) to school and shooting me in the head with them.

22. Being snobbed... nearly every effort I made during my school years to make friends was returned with cold stares, laughter, harsh words or a hard fist.

23. Being slapped by girls who I would refuse to hit back. When walked away having the guys in the group follow me and give me a hiding to the girls amusement.

24. Having guys from school break into my backyard to throw sticks and stones at me(yeah I know, its very cliche right but I didnt break any bones so that was good)

25. Being harrassed in public places eg: shops was particulary embarrassing, especially when round my parents.

26. Being kicked in the legs with steel capped boots.

27. Being threatened with public anal penetration.

28. Receiving death threats

29. Having every girl that I ever fancied reject me and laugh about it.

30. Having social groups "accept" me under false pretences, only being my friend for a prank or dare. Man I was so bloody gullible, I shuldve realised something was wrong when sumone said "hey would you like to hang out with us" what kind of sick person would ask that of me?

well thats the events that spring to mind. I had put most of this behind me until this year when my detoriarting socialphobia and depression started getting too much. After talking with a counsellor early this year I was made aware of how much my school days had effected me so thats why Ive been thinking of it a lot more. At the time it was horrible but I thought it would end when I left school, but it is now that I find out that the effects from with have landed me with poor self esteem, bad thought patterns, a social disability that is at times crippling (I think shaking so bad that I have to stay in bed at times cause I dont wanna be seen in public is rather crippling)

since I left school I have had a few friends at a time but usually in other cities from me. on the whole have been very very lonely and honestly just find it impossible to make friends. let alone finding myself a great girl to spend the rest of my life with (I dont think Im wrong for wanting that, I think that Im just like anyone else my age, 22, just more frustrated about it than a lot of other people are)

to answer your other questions JWH

what would make me happy?

A wonderful girl that I can laugh with, share life with and be romantic with. Im one of those guys that would love a "cute" relationship. I dont want no one night stand, although I guess it might do my self esteem sum good... (oneguy once told me I shuld get a prostitute cause it was unhealthy for a guy my age to not have any "experience"

Also I would be happiest if I got to do work that challenged and excited me, have a succesfull career.

And I would LOVE to be part of a fun crazy social group of people (both sexes) that would accept me for who I am and provide me with social invitations, company etc. I really just wanna get out and have fun, but I sumtimes find that difficult when Im so alone.

Family? Yes I have family. They are supportive as they can be but I dont share too much of my feelings with them. I dont wont to worry them. I feel that by letting them know how lonely and patheticly sad I feel that it will just upset them and they have no idea how to help me so it reallydoesnt acheive anything. I try to put on a brave face for them most the time.

No, I dont keep in contact with anyone from school with the exception of one boy who was also bullied. He is 24 and still lives with his Mother but in a different city than me. We keep in touch via email. We never talk about school though and other than him I have avoided all contact with any link to my highschool days (Im kinda lucky cause I now live in a different city)

wat triggers the memories? when I see jerks on the street, wearing their "cool" clothes and swearing and laughing thinking they are all that and more. With adoring girls on both arms and a loaded pistol between their legs. Those car racing cool dudes with their beer in their kegs. occasionly I get heckled on the street by such people (anyone who is in town by themselves is a likely target for heckling by testosturone charged males with female company) I know its not just me that gets that but when it happens it sets off an instant panic attack. Even though that happens infrequently I find myself fearing going into town, or on public roads or the beach. I always have this gut feeling thatI dont belong, that people are laughing at me, that Im a loser, that I should get out of the eyes of my peers.

other things that set off the memories can be just things like when Im very lonely and my mind wanders. when Im down and depressed I sometimes remember why I am who I am. other times can be if I find myself in a semi social situation (eg small talk with a person at a shop counter) during the attempt at a conversation I sometimes get flash backs of people laughing at me, telling me to fuck off etc.

There I think that answers all your questions, sorry if my initial post offended you in any way, I was just in a really bad mood when I wrote it. Very frustrated and lonely. I know what your going to say "Get over it, everyone gets bullied" but the fact of the matter is that I have ZERO confidence in myself when in social situations, that I have bugger all in the way of social skills that most people learnt in their teens while I was a loner and to be honest, I dont think things change that much. I think even when your 22 there are still a hell of a lot of jerks out there. sure they might not punch people up as much but they are still the same jerks on the inside and still delight in mocking others in their own ways.

I wonder if those Jerks have some kind of radar device, cause in every social situation I find myself in (which isnt very many) I seem to appear as a blip on their raider screen and am shot out of the sky before I get a chance to make contact with other people. I dont even know how to use the bloody wireless to make a mayday call anyway. Just bang bang bang, Ive been shot down again into a fireball.

Sorry for this hideously long post


Well-known member
Well, no actually I'll say sue the damn school. These things should not have happened. I can see how you'd be severely depressed after all this. I don't know what else to say.


Well-known member
yeah Im pretty much screwed as far as I can see. I dont think there is anything I can do to acheive what I want to in this life or even come close to it. I think Im always gonna be the lonely sad guy in my room or maybe progress to being the lonely weird hairy guy in the bush.

re sueing the school... yeah its something I have thought about in recent months. After finding out how much of a long term efect it all had on me the thought to sue crossed my mind. I did sum research on the net and found that under various laws the school actually is liable to be sued for allowing the bullying to continue. BUT no school in NZ has EVER been taken to court over those laws before... so if I did it then I wouldneed A: A lot of money for a good lawyer and B: My case would be a first which wuld make it difficult and a lot of media attention round it etc which I dunno if I culd cope with in my current state.

but it did make me mad at the time and as I said, recently when Ive found out about the long term effects of it its made me mad again.

I dunno, gee Im fucking sick of this damn world!!!!


Well-known member
Trinity over here has gotten in some trouble, you may want to read up on that.

You know, I've always wanted to go bush. City living is just stifling.


Omg, what kind of sick people ALLOW these things to happen? It's not only those who do it, those people are horrible, but then those that just let it happen or laugh? I think these people are disgusting, and I can't believe these things happen just like that :(


Well-known member
Horatio. I had tell i wouldnt come back. I don't belong. but my case is rather extensive and i wont go on details. but your case deserves at least a chance to the truth. You can see one reply of mine in "Can't take this anymore" post, for far info about me.

So well. Horatio, you need to forget, because you obviously want to. unless im nort right. just as prisoners that had been in torture need to forget about stuff. Now the brain allows this, but you need to give it new and harder experiences.

You can try THC, You seem pretty intelligent and strong enough to handle a marijuana habit. this won't take your loneliness, but it will bring new experiences to your brain. these experiences will depend on dosage and mood before smoking. You can also try something else but the physical addiction can get worse.

Why, im posting this? because mood affects moods. by reading your post, you are seting me in a mood. i have enough confidence to tell you to go get a habit of marijuana because it will take you to see some events in a different point of view. Just try to set you a goal before starting with the habit. remember to see the phenomena. SEE. and i sense you have high observation skills.

I am evil, Horatio. i dont expect you to try or dig this. or even like my persona. When i say i am evil, this is of course an exaggeration. But im studying right now the holes in evil. what brings good from evil. evil attracts more evil. i would say thats for sure. but spontaneus good is just an idea. and we are full of ideas.

All this text... just an idea.


Well-known member
and btw: the idea about goin walkin on the road or wathever was it ( i can't copy it right now ), is a good idea, i have think about it, but im too grounded in here. and im afraid i like money.


Well-known member
Wow, youre story is like the movie i watch (Bang-bang youre dead). It's horribel when people treat you like that, I don't think people in Indonesia do think like that? or maybe i don't know anything.


Well-known member
after reading all that, all i can say is im sorry you were treated that way.

Maybe you can try looking at it from another angle. It was nothing personal. Thats how the world is, whether your a kid, adolescent, or an adult in the real world. Its a dog eat dog world, and its about survival of the fittest.

These guys could see that you were shy, or weak, or wouldnt defend yourself, and so they belted you because they felt it was entertaining. Its more a law of nature, and of human nature, than it was a personal attack on you.

I hope that dosnt make you feel worse Horatio, im just trying to help.

But your an adult now, you can be independent. Its a big world out there, there are many different kinds of people to meet and things to do, this could be a chance for you to meet people that will accept you for who you are.

Im sure you have some great qualities, and im sure there are people out there that will appreciate them.