I suffer a lot at work



I dont know if I am a Social phobic but sometimes i feel very depressed and dont like people, specially people that i dont know and I am forced to spend most of my time with, i.e: my work...
I got a new job since January which I have to keep only because i need the money, however there are thousands of reasons that actually makes me think I should quit, but i am not sure if i will find the right place for me after all.
Being new is one of the reasons for I dont like my new job, this is a terrible thing for me. My work mates are a very close group in which i believe i dont fit in. They get along very well, but we are so different ! I dont talk loud and they do, they are all men and like to see naked woman talk about sports and stuff which I dont appreciate. many times i fell like i have to act to survive, but I am such a bad actor ! I prefer to stay alone most of the time and avoid meetings and reunions.

I am overquilyfied for this position which makes me feel humilliated since I am a proffessional and i have to work as a drafter. The reason is I couldnt find a better position because of the labor market so I'd rather being a drafter than unemployed. They know this at work and they have made me a rise but God i feel so burned Out

I may talk about my background as a Social phobic, but i am not sure when did i begin or I may have been just a Shy person. I lost my father when i was a little kid and always being alone during my entire life (33y/old). I think i have become more social phobic among the years. I have always been a lonely person. I have never maintained a long relationship with anyone, when I find friends I lost them because I am unable to understand them
This is a terrible situation i would like to change and believe me I am working hard on it, but i cant see a progress. I have gone to a Psiq. had pills, but I haven't got well yet. My family doesnt know this and I have no friends, I have no one to talk about this issue because I am isolated. Meanwhile I suffer in silence...


Active member
I know exactly what you mean. I feel depressed at work too. I also feel I am overqualified at my work but my SA prevents me from seeking and acquiring better jobs. The truth is I'm scared to death of interviews. I was lucky enough to get this job...


New member
I hate my job. If money didnt make the world go round I would have quit a long time ago.


Well-known member
BrownEyes....i also feel very overqualified in my job, but i do nothing about it, cause interviews and asking for employment are really hard things for me to do...frustrating :evil:


Well-known member
I feel the same way.....

i feel the same way like you all. You will find many people agreeing with you. I myself is overqualified for my part time stock job at a retail store and I lie to my coworkers to tell them I am 23 and I do not have a college when In fact i do have a degree and I am 33,. I do not want people asking me "Why are are you working at this position?" I would hate that and be embarrased. :oops:

Anyway, have you tried seeing a Weekly therapist? Also in this forum you will find other peoples bad work experiences like Brown Eyes as well as good advice given from people here.


New member
Hi everyone, I'm new to this site and it's really good to know that I'm not alone. I feel exactly the same way about work. I am also overqualified for my job. it's a struggle to go in every day - everyone else in my office is very extrovert and they think I'm really odd as I can't think of a thing to say to them. Plus it's got to the point now where I dread the phone going as I seem to forget how to speak half the time!


Well-known member
me too.. sometimes i really lose it at work to the point i have to go home or else i would REALLY lose it


Well-known member
So glad I am not alone. I was way overqualified for my job seriously I am very smart. I am 23 and in college and I would love to do things like work in art and museums (Art history major :) ) but I am so scared to even apply, even for an intersnhip! I know I can do better with my life. But I am stuck here working in boring retail store making little money!


Well-known member

people this is astonishing to me. I remember going to group therapy and hearing peoples story but not as intense as thi. I really truly feel like we are not alone and that work related problems(my number one isssue) is so true and sad for us all. I am quite amazed by similar stories of us writing about this topic. This topic touches me so deeply. keep fighting keep pushing and look for alternatives. I often look forall these careers I otherwise I never knew before. So much to explore, but we are not lazy like some people might think.


Well-known member
i agree with you marc72...and think also that, even though I am in a go-nowhere job, and am overqualified, I force myself to get up and go to work, even though some days it is horrible...not so much the job, but the anxiety I feel walking in the door, dealing with people, and then leaving....but at least we make an honest effort and go to work


Well-known member
yeah, there was a time during my company attachment when i really lost it that i had to fake a sickness to go back home..

i mean it felt real bad to see people joke with one another having coffee breaks without asking u along, and people asking u "y u look so sad?"

felt like bursting, thus i went home..

then depressed etc, thought of dying and stuff..