i think its annoying when kids say they have social anxiety


racheh just made an extremely valid point.u're more prone to the different anxiety disorders at a younger age (teenage yrs.) & also,if kids were seeking attention,would they rly come up with sumthing as specific as SA?a lot of young ppl don't kno what the hell it is unless they get it!!!think about that...


Active member
I have many problems and I am a self harmer. My problems started as early as I can remember. I do agree there are attention seekers out there.. but I pose this question.

If they are seeking attention, does that not mean they are lacking it? Does it not STILL mean there is a problem and that the person is going through some sort of personal hell in their head?

Who are you to say what is stupid and what motivates a person to do what not? After all you are on here for reasons of your own. Seeking help, seeking attention through a discussion board. People seek help in different ways too.

You should really analyze, rationalize, and become a bit more unbiased before making such accusations at people you do not even know.


Well-known member
I agree wif the rest of them. Mental disorders can happen to anyone & at any age. An example: When I was in secondary school, there was this girl who was depressed. She suffered from huge mood swings & did extreme things like locking herself in the toilet refusing to come out. Many people didn't believe her- think she was juz being dramatic & seeking attention. Even her very own close friends thought that. Months later, she commited suicide by jumping to her death from a tall building. It was only then that everyone realised that she was not seeking attention, she was very ill, mentally. All her friends started saying things like 'if only...., we did this or did that'...too late...way too late...

Moral of story: A mental illness(be it SA, depression, OCD can happen to anyone, regardless of age or race. Juz bcoz it didn't happen to u at a young age, it doesn't mean that it can't happen to anyone else...after all, wat the world is able to see is only the exterior behaviour of people, wat they think or feel are things that we cannot see, thus, we r in no position to judge if a person has SA or not...hope this gives u a clearer view of things :wink:


I agree with Jaded's point, to a point.

Unless you've had something for a while, its hard to know what it is, I mean, esp being young and most go through a period of that during youth. At that time teens do alot of whining, as perhaps they should, cos its harder now for them. I feel angry, but I know its for the wrong reasons. I feel angry cos people are onto SA alot sooner than I was, for me, I was diagnosed at 21, which isn't as bad as others that have suffered in silence for alot longer as may have you Jaded. If so, that fucken sucks, and I feel for you. Perhaps you feel resentment for the change in remedy and awareness that wasn't avaliable when I/you were in teens...

If kids are bitchin bout SA and they don't have it for real, then its good, cos they are learnin somewher along the line that they don't then they can move onto what it is. Plus its promoting awareness of SA in general.
It may just be a phase, but either way, they are moving closer to a solution, which is what counts. For me, I have had SA from birth I think, based on what my Mum and nurses said about my actions compared to other babies; hiding from strangers and never smiling etc.

I would just tie up by saying that people aware of SA and looking into it in their teens, be aware of how many people have suffered in silence for years, decades, even lifetimes. They are the pioneers that have made great resourses like this website avaliable. Learn from the wisdom of those, respect the time lost from their lives, and consider whether posts are whinny or useful...

my 2 cents for what its worth...