I want to die


Well-known member
1. Find a CBT therapist
2. Go to at least 3 sessions, then re-evaluate things
3. Buy some new movies

Not to be cold and heartless or anything, but try to keep focused on what you can do right now rather than what you think you haven't got.

Suicide talk is pathetic dude just worries people here thinking you might actually go through with it,, no-one wants that. Would you go around the street asking people ways to kill yourself? so why here?


Well-known member
I'm in the same place...

To live means to continue to suffer, to die means to make our loved ones suffer.

It seems like a no-win situation.

I am just starting with meds and therapy and so far I'm not too hopeful, I just know I owe it to my family to try everything I can before calling it quits... But yes, there are many times when it's hard to find the strength to pull through.

I wish I had some advice for you. I know how hard it is just to get through another day, but I'm sure there are people out there who love you and who need for you to keep fighting...


Well-known member

I'm sorry to hear that you feel so depressed. Are you depressed solely because of your social phobia, or for other reasons besides? Do people actually tell you that you walk weird?

Do you watch to see whether the people around you are staring at you? I have a habit of looking around to see whether other people are looking at me, and usually it becomes a self-fulfilling fear because people notice that I'm looking at them and then they look back. :wink: But if I mind my own business, most people around me do the same.

I hope it made you feel better to express how you were feeling.

Don't give up! Try doing something to help somebody else, if you can. It will be good for you to get your mind off your own problems.


hey, i think i walk weirdly too...someone told me i walk like a horse one time..and i think i walk really stiff and i probably accidently give people funny looks, maybe thats why they look at me weirdly..i also look like a gigantic praying mantice because maybe im too skinny and tall....anwyay i just wanted to let you know that i have similar feelings....i also wonder what the point of living is..i feel like crap most days fillled with anxiety..but i still have hope that things will get better..it has to..i don't know how but it will..i enjoy reading self help books sometimes or meditating..a great psychologist/therapist would help too, it's jsut hard to find a good one, but i THINK they are out there :)
Wait! Don't die just yet. Where are you from? How about a double suicide?

Let's meet up get drunk and drive for a hardcore rush before "the end".

Or just pop a reason to live by finding a good dining spot or somethin...?

I'm from Sydney, Australia.

Are any of you near me?


Well-known member
I wacth movies a lot to your not alone man, its the social phobia. And I also walk funny and I look down when I walk. Btw one of the first voice actors of south park commited suicide because of social phobia. I just taught about Kenny when I saw your name probably you like the show. Suicide is not the answer man.


Well-known member
any good suicide methods? fast, painless, instant death.
a reason y suicide is so appealing is because im so curious abt the mystery of afterlife (if theres one) and i cant wait any longer!
Guys keep your hopes up. Do you really think that suicide will solve the problem? What makes you so sure that there is no more life afterlife? We are all just human and we often make a lot of mistakes. You're not even 100% sure what's waiting for you after commiting suicide.

I'm still thankful that although my life is like this, I still experienced life.

Instead of just giving up on it, lets all fight it. I know one day that we'll be able to get out of this dark place.


Well-known member
i think you're bottled. maybe with anger. you make it seem like you have a stutter or stammer, maybe all you need to do is release your emotions.

also, teh way you're talking about killing yourself... not cool bro. get some help for the suicidal thoughts... otherwise i think you're fine.

i've killed ocd and other weird ticks by projecting my anger out in a calm and civil fashion. just talk to people about it. even if you leave it vague and very unspecific. trust me it helps


Well-known member
Ashiene said:
any good suicide methods? fast, painless, instant death.
a reason y suicide is so appealing is because im so curious abt the mystery of afterlife (if theres one) and i cant wait any longer!

What if the buddists are right and you have to keep living this life over and over again untill you get it right?! *shudder*

In the tragical history of faustus, faust asks mephistophilis where exactly hell is, and meph tells him 'Hell's wherever you are, when you're in it.' (sort of, exept with more 'thou' and 'art' and stuff.) Maybe this IS the afterlife, and we just dont know it!

The after life confounds.

Also, the human body is a lot harder to kill off than the movies make it look. Hang yourself? Takes 7 mins +. Cut your wrists (and you have to do it the right way, or it will clot up before you actually die), die cold and full of cramps. Take pills? Die sick. Blow your head off? Well, it's easy to miss the important stuff. Nothin's easy!!

Plus, suicide is bad. You cant take it back, and you never know when something good will happen to you, and it will. It has to. Nothing goes on forever, not happiness. Not misery either (I mean, I hope so).


Well-known member
The easiest way to end your life is by finding a cliff that's at least 150ft high and jumping.

Or a shotgun to your head.


Yeah, whatever. If you really are a good person, you'd find help and treatment or at least get out of your house for a walk to the store or some shit. Then, when you get better, you will help others who are going through the same fucked up emotions you (we) are feeling.

Donate blood, man, it's really easy, fast, and makes you realize you're donating to someone who's dying WITHOUT wanting to die, like a car accident victim, etc.

My 2 cents. I like to think them as my gold coins, either because I think it's the right thing to do, or simply because I have a big ego.


You dont want to die, you just dont have the strength to go on. These are two very different things. Look into ways at making yourself more strong, we can all do this. Start by talking.


But I wonder, all of you who say life is pointless, just shit etc., isn´t it strange to you how intelligently is everything on here created? The earth, nature, human and animal bodies etc. etc. Or the basic facts like that people speak, that we need water to wash, fire to prepare food, the way people grow and age, the universe..
Or the fact that polar animals are white, other animals have often the color of fur according to the environment they live in.. And plenty of other things, in fact everything is kind of miracle and very intelligently done. Can this be just a pointless coincidence? Or was this created by somebody evil to trap us here and torture? (That´s what I believed when I was like 16-18 ).
I don´t know for sure what the truth is now, I only feel that the best thing people can do is to exert themselves, swim against the current of life and forces that are dragging us down - these forces are kind of inborn in us (it is a curse), and we have to overcome them. We have to fight against ourselves, our laziness, desires, primitive instincts etc. Sometimes seems to me that I would do best if I did everything quite opposite to what I feel like doing.. thats how it is here.
To take some pills and fall asleep.. that would be ridiculously easy to escape our duties here. Do you think the creator was so stupid to let us oversmart him like this?
Anyway I understand when somebody does it because I often feel like doing that too. I theoretically know like it should be, but am afraid I am rather becoming worse off than better and am afraid I´m drowning and don´t have the strength and desire and motivation to get out of it.


Well-known member
I've thought about it before. But like some other posters, I'm too chicken to follow through with anything.

Plus, there's no guarantee that the "afterlife" is any better than this one. I imagine somehow our "timeline" would split into two - from the perspective of the world you live in now, you'd no longer exist, but in the timeline from your perspective, you'd still live in the same world you live in now. Except the results of your recent attempt would be evident to everybody. And then you'd have to go about daily life with the physical impact of your actions still obvious. An explain to everyone what the heck happened to you. And they'd say things like "Why do YOU think you have it so bad?" "You're such a whiner. We always knew you'd do something like this. We placed bets." And add insult to injury.

Alternatively, maybe we would be whisked forward through hyperspace to the "end of time". And we'd meet everyone who ever did bad things to us again and they'd laugh and describe what a pleasure it was driving us over the edge. Jumbotrons would play embarrassing moments of our lives over and over again. And we wouldn't even get served.

noblame4 said:
Ashiene said:
any good suicide methods? fast, painless, instant death.
a reason y suicide is so appealing is because im so curious abt the mystery of afterlife (if theres one) and i cant wait any longer!

What if the buddists are right and you have to keep living this life over and over again untill you get it right?! *shudder*

Well, if I have to live this life over again, hopefully I'll learn from my mistakes the first time. If I lose something in the next life, I could just think back to where I found it in this one and maybe I won't waste time looking. Maybe I'd place more bets on sporting events. One thing's for sure, I will mark the place where I pulled the hunk of metal out of my flat tire with chalk or something else, so I won't be humping it in the bathtub trying to coax bubbles out of some part of it.


Well-known member
Sacrament said:
You guys are depressing as hell.

Yeah, it almost sounds like it's a place filled with people who struggle with anxiety and depression... oh, wait.

C'mon, Sacrament, offer some good advice, don't just state the obvious...