I will not let OCD Ruin my life


New member
I have had this disease since my memory serves me. It started out with a fear of rap music when I was six in the late 80's. Then it was my parents or sisters dying in a car accident or getting lost in the woods. I could picture them so fucked up, even as a little boy. I even thought that when I killed a mosquito the blood inside might contain HIV. This is when i started standing on cracks, counting, and organizing to prevent these things from happening. I got older and things got worse. When I was in junior high I was convinced that when I baby sat my sisters I was going to stab them in their sleep. It was almost as if everyday I was struggling to keep myself from doing it, it made me so sick. So I performed more rituals. As i got older I became self conscious about the rituals so the OCD became a thing exclusively inside my mind. I have concurred many of my fears over the years, no longer worrying about my mother of father or sisters, but now I have a girlfriend whom I love and which I am going to live with. Im constantly having terrible thoughts that I am going to mutilate her and do other horrible things to her. It makes me so sick and guilty, I cannot describe. Its like I feel like i come 1/100 of a second from acting on an impulse yet never do, and it leaves me feeling sick and I hate myself. I have talked to her and my parents and again am actively seeking help and this alone makes me feel so much better. Any support would be great, or related experiences?
