I'd like to file a complaint


Well-known member
So I was minding my own business, flying around this forum solving people's problems like some kind of digital superhero, when suddenly, I found that I had been prohibited from replying to posts. I weep for these people. Thanks, Hitler. This place should be titled the Fascists' Forum. I'm about this close to never coming back here again. I have never....

Two Words


Well-known member
Complaint noted

I'd have to agree. It is a shame that your postings have been deleted. Obviously you are a very witty person and have so much to teach us two words. Like how much ignorant white trash there is in the world. But seriously, there is a lot of scum out there and I think that us social phobes can learn to adapt to your words of simplicity in a safe online environment. It's a baby step (oops, I am sure that's going to get a witty comeback) into the real world.

Now here is my advice to help you become a better digital super hero. First stop acting like a little prepubescent girl who has had her assed whiped all her life by her daddy. Life is hard, spend more time minding your own business. That's probably the only useful thing you have to offer the world.

I'm sooo sorry. I am stooping down to your level of infancy. Here's some practical education. It is very rudimentary, but you seem to lack any ability to think on a higher level (evident by your really deep put downs-mooron). Advice: This world lacks people who can think about things on a higher level ;) and can see things from multiple perspectives. Please realize, even if you do have a fun life and aquire minions of simple minded friends, you will die with no meaningful acheivements accomplished. Don't live an empty life my foolish friend- or at least just mind your own biz and disappear. You seem very intelligent so I know you must understand that Social Anxiety Disorder isn't just a simple case of some silly little kid such (as you are) who lacks self confidence and just needs to snap out of it. It is an anxiety disorder that alot of people are predisposed to. Should I define predisposed for you? With support and hard work alot of socially anxious people can adapt and change. Some can't. Such is life. But there are alot worse things in life. Why make things more difficult? All of our actions are complex and at the very least indirectly if not directly they will come back to us. So any person who has deluded him or herself into believing that they can operate on confidence alone, without any responsibility on how you treat other's, is sadly mistaken. PS- most higher animals- even monkey and elephants, help there own species.

Anyways, I think it would be very amusing for you to actually say something and think something that even possesses the slightest bit of wisdom- I could even see your childish ass blushing, if you tried.

Well take care. And please try to educate yourself. Being an accurate and critical thinker is so much more important then acting like a simple minded fool. At least find something to preoccupy yourself with like beating up your lover or maybe you could become a counselor and give little children some tough love. OOPS, soo sorry, once again, I forgot you function on a lower level- don't take the couselor thing literaly- it was meant to be sarcastic. Oh, yeah- you can reply if you want- but I doubt I will respond back- I already feel dirty enough for replying to you this time. I won't bring myself down to your level again- no matter how hard that is for any human being to do.... Just my two words...


Active member
It's ok if you want to help people, but in nearly all your posts you come across as being rude. Most people with social anxiety have low self esteem and the last thing they need is for someone to put them down and make them feel useless. If it was that easy to overcome (SP) then this forum wouldn't exist. Everyone needs to be treated with respect regardless of what their problems are.


Well-known member
Well said little cody

Catch Twenty Two - dont you have something better to do than troll through these forums putting everyone down for issues that they are struggling to get through?

Try a little respect!


Active member
As much as I find some of your words amusing, two words, I do wonder at your motive. What kind of person spends all their waking time attempting to piss off and bring down people with a mental disorder? I'm wondering if you're actually projecting your own issues onto other people, your way of dealing with anxiety might be to belittle those with issues such as your own. But I'm thinking you've probably got different issues somewhat, and in the pecking order of coolness that the world has spawned, you pick on those with social anxiety because the "cool boys" on the "football squad" stole your lunch the other day.

It's all about projection. Projecting your fears, your issues and your anger. But perhaps you should try your own support forum? Like www.PickedonNerdBoys.com or www.MommyHeStoleMyHat.com?

Like many pseudo-intellectuals such as yourself (you should know the term, you're a clever high-school student) being picked on for your wide-rimmed specs or love of star-trek is extrapolated in entirely the wrong way. You see, some bullied little boys will become sensitive, others will become like their bullies. You are the latter. You think you are doing us all a good turn, Mr Super Hero, just like the bullies who beat you up for wearing women's underpants re-assured themselves that they were doing it for your own good, to make you cooler.

But let me, in turn, give you some advice ... for your own good. Don't let the social phobia fool you. Rip on one of us in real life, and I assure you, just because we are shy doesn't mean we don't have tempers just like everyone else. And your scrawny, little nerd-boy, internet diety-complex arse will be beaten just the same as if it were one of the football squad doing it, or indeed those cheer-leaders. now do yourself a favour, practice what you preach, get off the internet and go outside.

*Looks foward to the reply he knows will come, because he knows you wont leave it alone and go outside where the scary bigger boys are*


Well-known member
The last time you posted here Two Words... you called us all 'fools' and admitted to wasting your time and said you would never be back.

Makes me really curious and to WHY you came back where you said you wouldn't and where you think there is nothing except for 'fools'. Maybe you are one too!


Well-known member
Oh man you're all right

Okay yeah, in nearly all my posts I come across as being rude. Hey Sherlock, you're onto something! Well played. Fucking moron. I didn't read all those replies. Suffice to say that I'm fucking amazed that so many people responded to that thread. Man, you people are amazing. Really. Well, luckily enough for everyone, I will not allow anyone's negative comments to discourage me. I will continue to courageously help those in need. Allow me to start with my fans: QUIT WASTING TIME RESPONDING TO INTERNET TROLLS, YOU FUCKING MONGOLOIDS! You people are below "internet trolls" because you're just the dipshits responding to said "internet troll." Don't you realize that? Mull over that. Jesus CHrist do I have to do everything around here?

Love and Puppies and Kittens,

Two Words


Well-known member
We feel for you son! Living your life with nothing else to do but type on the internet

But thats ok, we have time to respond, and to put you in your place


Well-known member

Oh man, I really really don't want to start humoring you idiots by directly responding to posts but...oh god you're so stupid. YOu misspelled so many words...I won't even get into it. Do you feel as though you have a novel in you that you need to unleash upon the world? If you do, then please, do so. And I beg of you, PLEASE dedicate it to me, because you truly went to great lengths to thorougly address my half-assed comment. Here's a little secret...I'll figuratively whisper it to you....( I don't care about any of you fuckwits. I'm just having fun.) This is less profound than a video game as far as I'm concerned. I would never mess around with a Cancer Forum. Or an AIDS forum. Or a Handicapped Forum. But this forum? It's shits and giggles over here. You faggot ass idiot. This forum is a manifestation of our self-diagnosed society. It's mostly comprised of absolute idiots trying to justify their shortcomings. I honestly try to leave alone those people who seem to be in great distress (usually), and I'm not too hard on people in great distress. I'm not an absolute monster ( I guess LOL). I just snipe people who have silly ass complaints, such as, "I'm afraid of making eye contact," or, "I think I might possibly one day be diagnosed with SA". Those people don't need to be placated. They need the opposite. You fucking idiots successfully do the opposite.


Well-known member
I just feel sorry for twowords, he obviously only comes here to try to upset people cause he's so unhappy in his crappy little life and it probabaly makes him feel better, in a weird and twisted way....Bless him!


OMG, you sad, sad person. I pity you. You really need to sort your life out, if you think you've truly got nothing better to do than come to these forums and make a prat out of yourself. And you call this FUN!! :lol: Personally, and i'm sure a lot of ppl would agree with me, there are tons better things to do in your spare time. Well, it just makes me feel better about all of our problems, cos as bad as SA maybe, i sure wouldn't wanna have what you've got. But my professional advise to you would be to get a personality transplant, it's the only cure.


Well-known member
Re: Oh man you're all right

Caught Twenty Two Words said:
Okay yeah, in nearly all my posts I come across as being rude. Hey Sherlock, you're onto something! Well played. Fucking moron. I didn't read all those replies. Suffice to say that I'm fucking amazed that so many people responded to that thread. Man, you people are amazing. Really. Well, luckily enough for everyone, I will not allow anyone's negative comments to discourage me. I will continue to courageously help those in need. Allow me to start with my fans: QUIT WASTING TIME RESPONDING TO INTERNET TROLLS, YOU FUCKING MONGOLOIDS! You people are below "internet trolls" because you're just the dipshits responding to said "internet troll." Don't you realize that? Mull over that. Jesus CHrist do I have to do everything around here?

Love and Puppies and Kittens,

Two Words

It amused me to rip seven shades of shit out of you two words, that's why I do it. Same reason you do it, we enjoy the banter.


Active member
Ooops I forgot to sign in with that last one.

Simply by your attitude you show your age really. Judging intellect by ability to spell is a common mistake of psudo-intellectuals. Some of the best minds in history have been dislexic.

I wont say I don't find you funny, because I do. I just think it's bad humor to be saying things like this is a forum of people who are likely to take it so harshly.

Let's try reason here ... you say it's self-diagnosed ... which in many cases I guess it is. But dude, this aint no physical illness that we're born with, this is a mental condition and you know what? I don't trust people who say they can diagnose mental conditions. The most qualified person to diagnose your own mind is yourself.

This is a phobia, plain and simple, but in many cases it's a phobia that is too massive to control. If you've never had this then you can't know what it's like. Imagine yourself at your most scared, your most paranoid. Imagine a time when you feared for your own LIFE, now imagine feeling that same level of fear every time you leave your house or talk to a new person. Trust me, to the person who has it it is VERY real.

You know, I'd think better of you if you'd do the same to a cancer sufferer's forum. There are worse things than dying, and living with this is one of them. Dying is easy, no problem ... especially if there's nobody who's going to be missing you. Living is the real task, the real test, and living with this is like living in limbo.

What you need to consider before you make any more posts is that things you say really truly DO hurt people in here. I wouldn't be suprised if somebody has gone off and killed themselves because of something you've said already (mild exageration, but it could happen). Please, if you're going to have fun, do it in good tastes ok? We can banter about any other subject, but calling people with this mental condition fags or pussies isn't helping them at all ... these are sensitive people with real feelings, they aren't video games and things you say will deflate their confidence and make them go into their shells even more.

You've got to remember one thing here: people here became like they are because of people like you. The people here are normal, with in-tune feelings and hearts, these are good people. Good people don't survive without getting scars out there in the world, and it's people like you who gave them the scars in the first place.

Personally, I enjoy your posts, they make me laugh. But I don't think everyone shares my warped sense of humor. Either play nicely or I'll get the webmaster to ban your ip entirely.


Well-known member
PS: you're are lacking- you should just stop thinking because you will never get ahead. There is actually scientific evidence that alot SAD have chemical deficits (yes neurotransmitters are biological, smart boy- refering to TwoWords) as well as problems with the amygdala + irrational reasoning.
It is true that alot of SAD sufferers may just be suffering from cognitive distortions, but does that some how make them weaker or less worthy? If that is your criteria then you need to look at yourself. It is obvious that you suffer from distorted thinking. That is partly do to the environment in which you were raised + societies influence + individual reasoning. In anycase, I would agree with everyone else- get a life and get some help. Are you another OCD sufferer who just can't let go? or is it a problem with you overcompensating from the lack of hugs from your parent. Don't worry you aren't alone.
Now, please share so we can get to the root of your problems or are you just a lower functioning person who can't help yourself?

PSS- can I get a spell check please- they always seem to boost your ego. Just trying to help.

Yeah, I enjoy writing just like you enjoy masturbation of the mouth.

hey two words. i just found this site. i have some symptoms of social phobia. hang around, you're quite funny and i think honest. some of what you say is true,some not, i feel you're learning something on this site and others learning from you. you know you love it. i await your insults


Well-known member

OK here's my theory. Mr. "Two Words" and Mr. "First Time" are the same person. That's easy to realize not only because of the "subtle" coincidence in both names, but also because both clearly suffer from Narcissitic Personality Disorder, formerly known by the name of Egocentric-Manic Disorder, a name that describes the condition much better in my humble opinion.

Now I ask everyone to keep in mind that his condition is absolutely horrible. While social phobia can be cured in the vast majority of cases and even responds to medication, NPD is untreatable. It seems like you can't tamper with it in therapy, since it's the defense that the person employs to cover his complete lack of self-esteem, and taking it away probably means suicide. It's a crime to put such a person down. We have to try and keep him happy. The guy had no emotional relationship with his parents at all, what would you expect to happen? It's not his fault. We also have trouble with our lives (though not that much), we ought to be more understanding than this.