if it were not for social anxiety


Well-known member
would have you been a bad person?

For me sad saved my ass from going to the bad path during middle school and the first 2 years of high school, I lived in a bad neighborhood, and had many bad influences. I never really liked to go by societies rule, I'm kind of a rebel, and I like challenging rules. This is one of the main reason I don't fit in that much, I differ so much from everyone else idk I guess with my views of certain things. The SAD has kind of kept me tame, and because of SAD I'm this sentimental guy, and kind of a role model to my best friend...


Well-known member
omg thats so funny. I think the same things sometimes. Growing up my dad was really verbally abusive. And I think that really affected my personallity. I have a short temper, and I just get so angry really easy. If it wasnt for SAD, noone would like me cause i would probably be a lot meanier than i already am :(


Active member
Hmmm,interesting topic.

I'd have been less wise in many areas,but I don't know if I would have become a bad person. For a short time in junior high I was too proud and SA was a factor in putting a stop to that,but w/out any shyness/SA, I'd have met a much kinder class of people to befriend and would have been treated better by many people,which would have been good for me.


Well-known member
Not a bad person, but worse, yes in a way.
I actually have an extremely short temper, which may be a result of my SA; I'm not sure. I'm horrible to my parents, I blow up at anything and I'm intolerant of mistakes, likely because I feel I am not allowed to make mistakes myself.
Anyway, when someone else does something that annoys me, or just pisses me off in general, I can feel the rage boiling up inside me, it actually physically makes it hard for me to breath and it makes me feel like my head is about to explode, but I don't say anything and do my best not to let it show. Confrontation seems so much worse in the moment than what the person is actually doing. But the rage is so powerful, I'm afraid of what would happen if I didn't have SA.

Also, the SA keeps me from being a regular party girl in general. I grew up in nothing even close to a bad area, but the majority of teenagers here drink regularly, and a lot of them do drugs. Though I always maintained I would never join these "activities", the SA helped too. I have never in my life smoked, done drugs, or drank for fun (my parents have let me sample various drinks at weddings and such.) Also, if I didn't have SA, it wouldn't suprise me if I would have been pregnant by now.


Well-known member
2Crowded said:
A few girls would have gotten Pregnant :lol:

This girl might have been one of them... ;)

Seriously, I think I would have been a bit of a wild child. Ii grew up in a hippy household and had a lot of "adventurous" friends... the fact that I never saw them due to SA probably kept me single and ultimately happier.

I think SA has made me a better person than I could have been... but I guess I'll never know.


Well-known member
I have no idea, really. I think I might've been a real ass to people, but I'd still be lawful and "clean".


Well-known member
I agree to a large extent. The seclusion that my SA demanded resulted in my good grades and it also allowed me to master many of the technical skills I use in my job. I consider my career about 5 or 10 years more advanced than many of my friends in terms of income and job satisfaction but on the other hand I consider my social skills and experience in intimate and non-intimate relationships about 5 to 10 years behind them.