If the world cared about our problems


Well-known member
Imagine how the world would be if we cared as much about these things as other more common problems things in life. If you broke a leg, it's something that everyone notices and cares about and tries to fix. But the silent suffering that we have... that we dare not tell others about, that we try to hide and feel ashamed of all the day in social situations. When you tell that you have never been in any relationship poeple go "wtf?!?!", they don't understand how one can be like many of us here are. I personaly feel like the only one who has cared anything about me in these things is my parents, or maybe just mother. :/


Well-known member
Mental illness will always be seen as taboo. Too many people who don't understand have the ''pull yourself together!'' attitude. But going on sites such as this one has made me realise that i am not as alone as i thought i was, and that helps a great deal.


Well-known member
I don't want that, I'd feel victimized! No thanks :?

I don't need unwarranted attention for my problems. All I want is to be like everybody else.


New member
I am a new subscriber. I have a 7 year old son who has just been diagnosed with social anxiety. I am a former nurse and I also have an older son (19) who has it. Only his wad intertwined with learning disorders. My son's doctor has reccemmended we try behavior modification to see it will work so he doesn't need medicine. However, it has been 1 1/2 months and it is getting worse. His problems mainly occur at school. When ever he is required to write anything he either shuts down or lashes out. Today, he had extra work from being sick yesterday, but when his teacher told him to do two writing worksheets and he blew up and threw everything off his desk. He got a pink behavior slip today that says he had several temper-tantrums.
I have read some of your stories and I see how hard it is for an adult, but what about a child? Does anyone out there have a child with SA? I could sure some advice to help him be more successful at school. In addition to this latest diagnosis, he has several medical problems from birth. He has two heart conditions, one that goes to fast and one that goes too slow. He has a pacemaker for the slow one but nothing for the fast one. He also has seizures but the medicine he takes has now caused a severe side effect. His gums have overlapped the teeth on his upper jaw so when you look at his teeth, he has very little teeth showing.Next, he has an overactive bladder disorder which he takes meds for too. Finally, when he was 5 they diagnoses ADHD. I am most worried about this because of the amount of medicine he needs to take. I am no stranger to ADD/ADHD. 4 of my 6 boys have it but out of all of them he takes the highest dosage and my other boys are 21, 19, and 11. I need help and so I am asking if anyone out there can help. Thank you.


Well-known member
When I hear all these troubles with creating families, I start to wonder how people even dare to try it. Even if my life would totaly change and I would be in a happy relationship with good job and such, I would never have kids. Never.

I must ask you EBsmom, from what I have heard if you get a child with ADHD there's a good chance that more kids from you will have it, is it really worth having more kids?

Just something about the subject. I have often (perhaps always) been wondering how it is to be a common person. To not feel in that in school when you walk in the cooridoors with your friends that everyone looks at you with "disgust". They think you're werid, boring almost 'pathetic'. They see you as a black strange more or less miserable and ugly sheep in the group of your friends. They wonder why your friends even hang out with you.

I must say that I find it almost a bit amazing that there is a such place like this where we're all of the same kind and knows how each other feels. :) A place where people see you as a strange person that they don't expect a human to be. but here we all know that everyone are not like common happy people.