if u were phobia free, what would you looking to the most?


i was wondering what would be you guys individual answer to this...

if u were phobia free, what several things would you looking for to the most?
(now that u have absolutely no limit, block - can do whatever you want and feel at ease to act however you want whenver you want with whomever you want.)

a caracter trait that would come out of you..
an activity you avoided in the past,
a lifestyle,
working in something particular
talking to lots of people
make people laugh

go beyond what u think is possible here so as not
to be limited by what u tought about up to this point.

let me know

: )



Well-known member
Lots of girls. Alone ones, or in groups. Get to go to a girl´s house by the end of the day. Either for friend or to make out.


Well-known member
I think a characteristic that would come out in me is that I would be more silly and more fun to be around. I act so serious when Im in social situations I can come off snobby or angry. When Im at home and comfortable, I acually act silly and joke around with my family.


yes thats nice... : )

would you say if you didnt have SP that you would have these(girfriend or friend)
or would there be something else in the way of you having that?

if so what is it?



ok i hear you : )

beside girls
what else would you look for to in terms of doing, being, etc,..
with this newfound freedom,what would be different in your life and and the way you act and what is happening in your life now



Well-known member
if it wasnt for socialphobia then I would go back to what I was good at when I was younger.... public speaking, acting, singing, debating, film directing

I think I have done alright with my life considering the limitations put on me by socialphobia and depression and I'm proud of my acheivements to date but I hate to think of all the things I had to give up, all the lost oppurtunities


Well-known member
Id be going on holiday to boston with the rest of my young cousins ( it would be a blast)...but my anxiety means i really cant face going :(
Id like to have a girl friend, or even friends who are girls, i get so shy around people i find attractive. I want to be myself all of the time and not the shy timid fool who cant say anything when around new people :)


Active member
Hi I would walk into any room and not feel so self concious and would just talk to anybody without being nervous :D I cant imagine just never worrying about what people are thinking


Well-known member
I'd like to be working..not a low paid rubbish job like the ones I've had in the past..but something interesting that I enjoyed.
Then I'd spend lots of money on myself...and not get stressed out shopping. And I'd go on holiday. :)