If you didn't have SA


Well-known member
It's a weird thing really.
On one side I feel cursed for having SA.
On the other side, I feel like SA is a part of my personality. I wouldn't recognize myself if I were to be a confident social being.


Well-known member
Not easy to think like that. It would be better, I guess... Life's hard anyway and having SA is just apart of me and I think it has always been.


Well-known member
Talking to people wouldn't be such a battle that's for sure.

The funny thing is I've probably lived more while I've had anxiety than I did before I had it.


Well-known member
Yes, there are threads like this. Maybe do a search before posting?

I learnt to appreciate my SA recently too, though I still hate it sometimes! (and wish I was braver!) Sometimes just calling someone at the right time could make a big difference (rather than calling a few months later when they don't have time for something anymore! aargh!)
Also, I wouldn't waste so much time worrying - I'd make the calls/talk to people, and find stuff out...!!

It would save a lot of time and energy, I guess.. I think I'd probably be married or partnered up and would live a happier life :)


Well-known member
Well I'd probably hit the self destruct button which would lead me to look like this..


Maybe SA has it's upsides
I used to think of this when I was younger.
Now however, I find it is too sad and torturous to dwell on the answer to this question. I don't see the point of making yourself sad thinking of the "what ifs?".::(:


Well-known member
If I didn't have SA, I think I would be a totally different person. It would have pros and cons because I would actually be able to make friends but that shyness about me makes me who I am.


Well-known member
Life would be much MUCH more different, to the point where I can't even fathom a lifestyle without my SA. I can't really say it's done me any good in life, but I honestly think that I wouldn't be the stronger and more observant person I am today if I didn't have this condition.

Before my SA developed, I was very social, didn't care about what anyone thought, but at the same time I confided in people too much back then and I always got hurt as a result, which eventually led to my actual SA. Since then, I've learned that most people cannot be trusted and that I'm better off with the very few friends I have rather than a bunch of random people who could be stabbing me in the back without my knowing.