If you really are serious about getting over your s.a and avpd completely you can!


Well-known member
I have gone through an amazing process and I have gotten over my avpd and s.a within 3 months if any others on here are looking for some serious change then please don't hesitate to send me a message :)
I'd send you a message but I'm hardly around (busy with other stuff). Why not post it here bro - I would greatly appreciate it :).


Well-known member
Maybe you do, maybe you don't, but judging by your original post, this sounds like you want my money. Just saying.

There's no reason your story should be kept secret on here.


Well-known member
hahahaha are you serious I want your money?? I'm not a counselor!! from my experience, after doing core belief work and inner child work and learning to love and accept myself for who I am right now all these problems have diminished almost completely, the reason you feel anxious around people is because of the judgements and beliefs you hold upon yourself, and when they get so strong you feel anxiety and in intense cases, panic attacks.
Counselors and medications can only treat the symptoms that show up on the surface, when you dig deeper and treat yourself as a whole with lots of layers thats when you can get rid of these problems from the core, I used to have an avoidance personality and intense social anxiety, now I'm at the point where I can be my total self around people I know and my family, I can go into a shop or crowded place without feeling as though ppl are watching me (oh yeah thats a belief too when you believe ppl are watching you then your mind sees just that) I have been doing this for about 3 months now and am continuing to do so to the point where I can keep and maintain friends. I discovered that my parents beliefs were put upon me at a very early age, and coming from a dysfunctional family how you learn to behave around them is how you behave around other people in your life, I learnt what role I played in my family, and when I created a false self and why etc anyways I am just giving all you ppl hope out there and if you really seek you will find, and if you really comitt and look for the deeper answers and change the way you view yourself REAL change will happen!
^Thank you bro,

You are a real inspiration! And I will name my first child after you (maybe though, he might get picked on for being called "spaceboy" :D) Anyway, what this guy speaks of is the truth - I know because I'm personally doing something very similar to what he says and I'm having great results.

Anyone wanting to rid of Social Anxiety should definately look into changing your core beliefs <3


Well-known member
Yes, I think you are right that the core belief lies right at the heart of the matter. Yet you are too close to it for you to notice it.


Well-known member
hahahaha are you serious I want your money?? I'm not a counselor!!

It sounded that way with your first post. All you said was I know a way to change yourself and then said to message you.

There should be no reason why we should need to message you on this site. What you have to say should be posted in the thread for everyone to see.

If what you know works so well, then why hesitate to post what has helped you? It just didn't make sense.


Well-known member
another thing I'd like to point out is self defeating language....I recommend cutting out the following words from your vocabulary; always, never, should, shouldn't, cant, better, worse, have to, ought to, supposed to, maybe & to stop with the self blaming ...

you know after just 3 months of this work I have started a second job working with people again behind a bar which was very scary for me 3 months ago having so called avpd and s.a !! you yeh it rlly does work
Always remember,what works for you may not work for others.
Never gloss over the negative part of your experience.
Should you have eaten that last donut?
Shouldn't isn't didn't.You did it.
Can't is what stops us getting hernias or raping elephants.
Better quality toilet paper is a mini holiday for the butt.
"Worse" is a word used to describe something or a face we shouldn't accept.
Thinking you have to is the reason why you are not doing it.
Thinking you ought to the reason why you are not doing it also.
I only feel bad eating junk food because I'm told I'm "supposed to" eat healthily.Otherwise I'm quite happy with my unhealthy choice.
Maybe there is,maybe there isn't.Either way I don't care enough to get all het up about it.
Self blaming is sometimes the only way to realize that,hey, we actually did something interesting today.


Well-known member
Well using words like those keeps you locked in your "child state" and you won't get out of your stuckness if you keep using those words for "yourself" for example...

"I am useless and I can't beat this"
"I will never be good enough"
"people will always hate me"
"I should be doing my workout today"

All this language takes away your choice so yes it will keep you stuck!!
I am not saying that this process is easy, it is the best dam one that works though and yes it will work on anyone if you put your mind to it...so called safety mechanisms and defenses are to actually protect and keep our negative beliefs in place I mean sure psychologists can treat the so called symptoms they do not get to the bottom of the problem you could go to talk therapy for years yet still suffer the exact same symptoms and problems whats the point of that when you can get to the source of the problem and completely heal it to change your life for the better ?


Well-known member
It sounded that way with your first post. All you said was I know a way to change yourself and then said to message you.

There should be no reason why we should need to message you on this site. What you have to say should be posted in the thread for everyone to see.

If what you know works so well, then why hesitate to post what has helped you? It just didn't make sense.

Well I wanted to see who would actually be interested first...it seems most people on this site flock to the negative posts and don't want to change...
Everything possesses a negative and a positive.These dual elements are what gives te Universe its power.
Negative Ions aids in promoting a positive state of wellbeing.
A double positive charge on a battery will make it a dud.
The waves at the beach are soul enriching to watch,not because they keep coming towards us but because they move away from us as well.

Words are powerful.We should not limit our use of them by labeling some as being potentially damaging.
Does a good artist paint the rose without it's thorns?
Is this not recognizing the negative usage of a property that can be used in a highly positive way if one wants to?
Why narrow ones perceptions by drawing up a list of what is and what is not kosher to use within the framework of a certain set of technique.
When we do this are we creating a "bad" out of a "do with what thou will" ?
You can't make certain words into sparks that set off proactive change by removing the benefit of other words that can come to your minds aid if you only let them.

Molly has two children.They have become sick so she takes them to see the doctor.
On noticing some signs in the children he ask Molly "have you been giving your children enough to eat and drink?"
Molly replies that yes she has." Yes doctor I have,they get plenty.As much if not more than any other child their age gets to eat and drink.I give one child all the food,and I give the other child all the drink"


Well-known member
Everything possesses a negative and a positive.These dual elements are what gives te Universe its power.
Negative Ions aids in promoting a positive state of wellbeing.
A double positive charge on a battery will make it a dud.
The waves at the beach are soul enriching to watch,not because they keep coming towards us but because they move away from us as well.

Words are powerful.We should not limit our use of them by labeling some as being potentially damaging.
Does a good artist paint the rose without it's thorns?
Is this not recognizing the negative usage of a property that can be used in a highly positive way if one wants to?
Why narrow ones perceptions by drawing up a list of what is and what is not kosher to use within the framework of a certain set of technique.
When we do this are we creating a "bad" out of a "do with what thou will" ?
You can't make certain words into sparks that set off proactive change by removing the benefit of other words that can come to your minds aid if you only let them.

Molly has two children.They have become sick so she takes them to see the doctor.
On noticing some signs in the children he ask Molly "have you been giving your children enough to eat and drink?"
Molly replies that yes she has." Yes doctor I have,they get plenty.As much if not more than any other child their age gets to eat and drink.I give one child all the food,and I give the other child all the drink"

Well that is your choice if you wish to keep the "all or nothing language" I don't think you are understanding what I am saying, I do not mean to cut these words out completely of your vocabulary, however when you talk about yourself or when something goes negative in your life if you watch and notice what you say to yourself you will see how you create your own reality, people that live in the world of "should's, cant's, always and never's" don't have a choice in life because they are constantly telling themselves that they should be doing something or doing something better, this is the language of low self esteem and if you had a critical parent it is the language you learn from them therefore you use it on yourself because it is all you know. It is all towards the step of unconditional love and acceptance .... personality disorders exist because people do not love and accept themselves. When I started to change my language around I started to see more clearly and see things for what they really are and just accepted them for example you are running late for work and your in your car, the first thing you say would be "I am always f*** late I just cant seem to get up on time" there it is right there you are not being kind to yourself and you have just created your next reality and belief "i am always late" so yes you will be late again if you just observe and say a phrase like this instead; "ok I am accepting that I am late I will get there when I get there" no big deal, once you "get" the little frustrations we cause for ourselves then you will really start seeing things as they really are and putting perspective back together.


Well-known member
well yes it is a bit of both really, from what I have learned, judging by the way we speak and the words and phrases we use we can see how we are "programmed" so to speak ....give it a go watch and observe yourself over the next week and notice what you say particularly when things go "wrong" you could catch yourself saying "i cant do anything right" or "geez im stupid" etc they are all flawed beliefs